Chapter TWENTY

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Ellerie Devereux

You spend the morning going over the recovery documents from the FBI.. Inside the pages you find something that makes your blood run cold.. In the list of names of testifying witnesses is a name you hadn't expected to see..

Mikki De'lucca..

Suddenly you know why your friend was calling you to apologise... Shes going to testify on behalf of the FBI.. On behalf of Elijah..

Since that revelation, you're more determined than ever to find a way to talk to her.. To find out what the hell is going on..

You decide that after your training session with Jackson, you'll find Paxton and tell him your plan before making your way to the gym on the basement floor of Specter's offices..

Slipping into the locker room to change into your work-out gear, a strappy hot pink sports crop that shows off your toned abs and a cute pair of lemon yellow yoga pants that hug your hips and butt just right..

You're sitting on the stainless steel bench, one knee tucked up, tying the laces on your white sneakers when you hear the door of the locker room click open..

You look up to see Paxton standing there, his gym bag slung over his shoulder.. He looks surprised to see you, but definitely not disappointed.."Firecracker.. Here for a work out?" He drops his bag on the bench beside you, pulling out a pair of black shorts, reaching up to unbutton his shirt..

You lean back on your palms casually crossing your legs, watching his deliberate strip tease.. You let out a low teasing whistle.. "Oh, no.. Im just here for the show.." You toss him a wicked smile as he shrugs the shirt from his shoulders, flexing his lean muscles in a ridiculously yummy display.. You wave a hand up and down at him.. "Obviously.."

He chuckles as you stand, making a move to brush past him in an effort to give him some privacy to change.. His eyes rake over your exposed flesh hungrily and he steps towards you.. In the tight space you can't escape, your back presses into the lockers as he moves in on you.. Caging you in, he has you caught like a deer in headlights, dazed..

Your gaze locked on the starry grey night sky in his eyes.. "Why stop at just the show?.."

Your hands, moving on their own wander up his bare sides, his tense muscles tempting you to touch them.. He leans a hand against the lockers behind you, his breath heating your neck as he leans down, pressing a soft kiss against your pulse point.. "Hunter.. We shouldn't--"

His name is a whisper on your breath as you exhale the air you'd been holding in your burning lungs..

His mouth find yours, his tounge gently parting the seam of your lips to find yours.. Your fingers dig into the flesh of his shoulders and he groans, his hands moving to your hips, his fingertips crassesing..

"Mmm.." You moan, deepening the kiss aa you feel his pulse pounding in his neck and the rigid hardness between his toned thighs..

His hand comes to the front of your pants and he runs a warm palm over your heated center.. The move is bold and bad and it turns you on like nobody's business..

Oh no..

Your eyes snap open..

Suddenly you're hyper aware of how hot you've become, how hard it is to breathe and how exposed your surroundings are..

You push against his chest softly and he immediately withdraws his hand.. "Mmpphh.. Wait.. Wait.."

He blows out a breath, dropping his forehead to lean against yours, grumbling his protest.. "I feel like I've been doing a lot of that lately.." He smirks cheekily..

Broken hearts & Coup d'etats - THE SPECTER SERIES [book three]Where stories live. Discover now