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Next day

I got up from Miles' bed that is basically our bed.  It's kinda nice to not wake up in such a big, rich, room with a woman.  I feel like I can appreciate more now. 

"Babe...?" I heard a rusty voice, I looked towards Miles' and smirked.  He just called me a pet name.  I bent down and kissed his head, I moved his hair out of his eyes.

"I need to head to the office and get some new clothes.  I will be back in a few hours." I said.  He turn on his back and looked at me. 

"What about Cassy?" I forgot I never told him about Cassy.  I smiled and grabbed his cheek, pushing my lips up against his other cheek.

"Don't worry love." There was a long pause as Miles open his eyes and adjusted to the sun that was in the window. 

"Can you pick up something to eat?" Miles asked, I smiled and nodded my head.  I got up and Miles got up to use the bathroom, before I could walk out the door, Miles grabbed my hand and pushed up on his toes to give me a kiss.  "Drive safe.  I think it snowed."

"I will.  Don't worry."  I kiss him again and smiled.  I can definitely get used to this.  I walked out of the apartment and closed the door behind me.  I walked down to my car and Miles was right.  It did snowed and now it's raining.  New York is weird.

I started to drive to the office, I started to think about Miles through.  I mean just everything about this man is perfect.  I may want to marry him someday and the crazy thing is that, I am ok with that.  I want to just be with him and make sure that he is safe. 

With what happened few years ago, I can not let anything like that happen.  I almost lost my brother and I lost my best friend all because I didn't want to admit I had a problem.  I will not do that to Miles.  Put his life in danger, put myself in danger.  To think this is all Because I love Miles.  Sooner or later I got to the office and I started to make a few business calls and made sure that everything was ok with my business.

"Mister Stephen, your father and mother is here." I looked up at Carla and saw my father and mother was here.  They were wearing suits and looked angry as all hell!  I started to get scared.  My father always had that affect on people. 

"Thank you Carla." I said.  She walked out and my father pulled the paper out of my mother's hands.  She looked scared but also upset somehow. 

"Why did you get a divorce?" I took a deep breath and I looked at the divorce papers I sign just a few days ago.  It was only a matter of time.  "BOY!"

"Father...Cassy and I were very unha-"

"You ungrateful piece of shit! You know what this could do to the business!? Knowing that you are unhappy means that people will think that you can't deal with shit!" I felt like I wanted to hide.  Nothing is worst than this, being called names from the one that gave you life. It makes you not want a life. 

"I'm sorry-"

"Sorry!? You better be sorry because you're a fucking idiot Logan! I should have given this business to your younger brother.  At least he isn't useless like you." You think you would get used to hearing this but it just opens old wonds.  Maybe I am useless and a piece of shit?  Maybe my father does have a reason to call me that.

"What would you like me to do?" I asked, I haven't stopped looking at my father this whole time. 

"You have a 3 months to get married, if you don't, you are out of the business."  That scares me.  How the fuck am I suppose to get married in 3 months!?  Before I could say anything, they both walked out.  My mother turn around and blew me a kiss. 

At least I can count on my mom.

My Boss's And I's Affair (ManxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now