Chapter 4: Training

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Splinter's POV
"Yame! It's time for training" I said and only Donatello, Raphael and Leonardo went out. Michelangelo stayed in.
"Michelangelo, it's time for training." I said and his eyes opened. And he left.
Then I felt like a dark spirit roaming around Michelangelo. I wonder what he did during meditation.

Donnie's POV
We were in the dojo waiting for Mikey and Master Splinter to come in. Mikey came then Sensei did.
We all kneeled down.
" Today we are going to spar. I want to see Michelangelo and Donatello vs Raphael and Leonardo" he said.
I bet were gonna lose... We're the b-team after all

Well, we went to our fighting positions. Then Mikey was first to attack. When Raph was about to hit me, Mikey punched him in the face and I threw him beside Leo. They stood up and started fighting again. Mikey transformed his nunchucks to kusarigama blades and threw it around Raph's leg. I turned my bō to a Yari and me and Leo sparred with our weapons. I eventually got him to let go of two of his katanas and hit him in both sides, along with the head.
"Yame! I've seen enough" Master Splinter said.
Raph and Leo moaned.
"What the..." Leo said.
"Grrr!" Raph said while getting up about to punch Mikey. Mikey blocked his attack and pushed him back.
"What?!" Raph gasped.
"You are dismissed for today" Splinter said and walked out.
"Come on Mikey lets go." I said and we both head out, leaving Leo and Raph there.

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