Chapter 2- Home for christmas

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Alexa took the steps slowly this time to avoid a repeat of earlier that morning. She had decided to try and push the scary thoughts out of her head.

Het cancer wasn't back, there was no way. She's in remission, and it's gonna stay that way.

At least that's what she hoped.

She quickly typed a reply to a message Katie had sent her and pushed open the door with her shoulder, letting out a small grunt of pain.

As soon as she had spotted her dad she ran towards him as quickly as she could and embraced him. He lifted her gently off of the ground and spun her around.

Unlike her mom, her and her dad had more of a conflicting schedule and had yet to see each other since she had left about 3 months prior.

"How's my girl doing?" He said softly into her ear.  "I'm good dad" She smiled and kept her head buried in his shoulder.

"Hey, your mom told me about what's going on. It's gonna be okay, yeah?" She settled on a nod rather than answering.

After he finally let her go, she ran over to the passenger side door, yelling shotgun as she went. Her parents packed her bags into the trunk and they got ready for the long drive home.

On the way out she noticed a familiar face among the crowd, she reached her hand out the window and called his name.

"Jeremy!" The boy ran over and grasped her outstretched hand. "Have a great Christmas break Alexa. Don't forget to keep in touch".

She agreed with him and said her final goodbye before finally settling down and putting in her AirPods.

She felt a buzz in her lap, expecting it to be Katie she was surprised to see Spencer's name pop up.

Your mom messaged saying she's  noticed some symptoms?! Alexa why didn't you tell me. I know this is scary, but it doesn't necessarily mean cancer. Your moms gonna make an appointment with Dr. Bretweiser.  I love you and I can't wait to see you. Try not to panic ;)

She read the message a few times and sighed. This isn't something she thought she would be dealing with. At least not so soon after being in remission.

Closing her eyes felt like the best option at that moment, so that is what she did. When she woke up she would be reunited with her best friend.
Entering her house, Alexa had never ran up the stairs so fast. She yelled a greeting to her brother (who was yet to be informed of her worrying symptoms) and gave Spencer a quick peck on the lips before bolting to her bedroom window and almost ripping it from its hinges.

She caught a glimpse of blonde and yelled out in excitement. "KATIE!" "ALEXA!"

They both had wide grins stretched out along their faces, and gripped on to each other as tight as they could.

For a few moments they just sat together, holding each other as if they feared the other would slip away.  Relishing in the feeling of being back in each other's arms, rather than on a phone screen.

They giggled over the realisation that they were wearing each other's college jumpers and talked about how much their hair had grown.

It was the happiest Alexa had felt since leaving, she found herself hanging on to Katie's every word. She pushed a fallen piece of hair behind her ear, but faltered when she felt a small lump residing there. How had she not noticed it before?

Katie sensed her best friend was no longer listening and paused her story telling. 

"Alexa? are you okay?" She simply shook her head as tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

"Hey, don't cry. what's wrong? You're scaring me" She took the shaking girls hand into hers and stroked it, as if to offer some form of comfort.

Alexa lifted her gaze to meet that of her best friends and opened and closed her mouth, trying to form a sentence.

"I- I" she struggled to get words out. Instead she reached behind her ear again. Katie pulled her hand away and touched the spot that seemed to have Alexa so worked up.

She was shocked to feel several pea sized lumps.

Her eyes instantly filled with tears and her worried gaze met her best friends. "Is that what I think it is?" Alexa just nodded.

Swollen lymph nodes

One of the signs of leukaemia. "Katie, look I... I've been experiencing some scary symptoms lately. I don't want you to worry. Moms making an appointment to see Dr. Bretweiser"

Katie just nodded and wrapped her arms tightly around the girl in front of her, only now realising how much skinnier she had gotten.

To say Jennifer was shocked to find the girls not happily chatting but crying into each other's arms was an understatement.

After they explained what was going on, she sat and comforted the teens. Doing the only thing she could. She hoped for the best, praying that the people she cared most about weren't about to go through this terrible experience, all.over.again.
Authors note:
Slightly shorter chapter this time! I don't think anyone cares no one's reading this anyways \__(• •)__/

Oh well I'll probably keep writing despite that.

I hope anyone who does see this enjoys it and if not I guess I'm just writing it for myself.

    Love from your author,
                                            Madeline xoxo


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