Chapter Thirty-One

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Unknown P.O.V

They really thought that they could hide a sister from me? How dumb do they think I am. Just because I'm now one of their biggest enemies, doesn't mean we were not friends before. To be exact, Antonio's best friend. He wouldn't ever actually admit it out loud, but we were.

The thing that just gives this whole situation a cherry on top is the fact that my dad and their dad had signed a marriage contract stating that me and Annabella would get married on Christmas the year she turned 20.

Wait till they find out what I have planned.


Annabella had just got out of the gym and was walking out with some of the girls she had met. She was glad that they were serious about going to the gym, and even planned to go out with them soon to another gym that wasn't part of the school.

Once she had gotten everything together and said goodbye to her new friends, Annabella walked out to look for her brothers since they were taking her home that evening. She had spotted them leaning against their car with some of their friends, talking about something that had most of them laughing. She jogged over towards them and stood next to Armani.

"Hey," She said to everyone. All of his friends turned around and stared at her. They honestly looked shocked. Armani had to threaten his friends not to flirt with her but when they all got the memo not to say anything about her, he introduced her to his friends.

"So, this is my twin sister Annabella. If you mess with her, you die. Got it?" He threatened them. They all nodded and told her their names.

"Hi gorgeous, I'm Marcello," the brown haired boy from earlier says. He has hazel eyes and is about 6'1. He was cute. She had heard all about him at the gym today.

A blonde haired boy with blue eyes stepped forward. "Sup, I'm Max." Simple and straight to the point. She liked it. She could tell that they were going to get along. Annabella nodded towards him to show that she approved of him. He nodded back.

A certain Russian that she knew stepped forward. Annabella didn't think that her brothers knew that he was Russian since he gave off a little bit more of an American or British appearance, thanks to his mother. He also could hide his accent well.

"Hey, the name is Daniel," He says as he winks at her, letting her know that he recognized her as well. His real name was Danill. He also said it in a slight British accent. What is he doing here? He better not try anything with her family. She might not like them alot, but they were all she had left.

Annabella rolled her eyes while saying, "Can we go home? I need to shower and do stuff." Armani and Antonio both turn around and look at her. Then they nod their heads yes.

"See you later guys. Y'all are coming around to the house later right?" Antonio asks the boys. They all tell him yes. Great, now she had to deal with them that night also. She went to get into the front seat of the car, when she was picked up by Armani and put into the backseat.

"Really! You just had to sit in the front seat." Annabella yelled angrily at her twin brother. He just laughed at her situation.

"Privileges of being the older sibling BABY sis." She rolled her eyes once again and huffed. Annabella really hated them sometimes. The other back door opened and Danill got in. She refused to call him by his disguised name.

"You have to be shitting me right now. Stupid Russioan, always ruining my day." Annabella muttered in Russian, saying it loud enough that she knew Danill had heard her.

"Sorry princess. I just missed you and had to see you." He mutters back, also in Russian,  knowing that she was  the only one who can hear and understand him.

Instead of telling him not to call her princess, which he knew she hated, Annabella put in her headphones and played some music.

By the time a few songs had finished, they were back at the mansion. Annabella didn't even look towards her brothers, instead she just headed straight towards her room to shower and sleep. Finally she could relax.

Little did she know what awaited her that night.


Unknown P.O.V.

I have found you my darling.

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