13. Beating

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Okay so I'll be updating weekly most of the time, but I always try to update quicker for all of you.

Thank you for your kind words❤️


Theodore thought about unsheathing his sword as his hand flinched towards it but he changed his mind.

Killing or seriously wounding any of them would make his relationship to Alice horribly complicated. She probably wouldn't forgive him. To think he'd ever be able to restrict his impulses for the love towards his mated. If he would have been told before they met he'd never believed it.

The yelling of the knights seemed to fade into a long peeping sound as alcohol still circulated his veins. A smirk played on his lips as his heart raced.

He rushed one of the knights as he used his armored arm to shield himself from the swords slice. Running into the knight he pushed him hard making him fall on his back. He sat on top of him strapping one of his arms under his knee as he started punching the knight in the face, who's helmet had come off from the fall.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as his knuckles collided with the poor souls face.

Theodore was good at one-on-one combat and he enjoyed it. He enjoyed the power he felt when he was able to overwhelm his enemy. He enjoyed letting out his anger on idiots like these who dared to defy him, even if it meant that he'd get wounded.

Right now, he was beating his anger over his decision with Alice out of this knight.

Why the fuck was she being so repellent, he thought. Back in Walzenor he was able to force her to spend time with him or to talk to him, but here she was free to ignore him if she pleased.

Four arms grabbed his tightly, pulling him off the man he was beating before another knight came and properly punched him in the face with his armored glove. Blood started seeping  out of his cheek, as Theodore struggled to get his arms free. He glared at the man who had hit him, and to his surprise he could recognize a smirk in playing in between his beard. This knight was enjoying it.

Even Theodore knew that what he'd done to Alice was horrible and inhumane but even though he hated himself for it he wished to be back in Walzenor, as he wished to have Alice next to him.

Another strike hit his stomach hard, making him feel like all the air in his lungs had been roughly slammed out of his body. He gasped for air as his body started to limp, making the tall man kneel, as another hard kick came crushing into his already tender abdomen.

"Stop!" Alice shouted coming into view of the situation but Theodore couldn't hear her. The arms that had been holding his with an iron grip, let go of him as he leaned forward, grabbing his stomach while gasping for air.

Alice commanded the knights to stand down as 'she'd sent her knight on a mission', she lied.

Theodore rested his head on the dusty ground as he tried to regulate his breathing. He'd never been weak to pain but heaving for air made him feel like he was about to pass out.

The floor gathered a puddle of blood as his wounded cheek dripped the crimson colored liquid.

"Sir Hadrian." Alice looked at the commanding knight angrily.

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