Chapter XXVII

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Westminster Palace,October 1464

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Westminster Palace,
October 1464

Charlotte walked up the steps to the castle, disgusted by what was about to happen, but still plastered a smile on her face. Carefully, she cradled Edmund in the crook of her left arm before lifting Lily, the little girl wrapping her arms contentedly around her neck, her head lolling against her shoulder.

"Charlotte!" Margaret exclaimed, rushing to help her with her children, but she refused to part with them. They were her source of strength at the moment.

The only unmarried York girl moved the blanket to peer at her nephew. "What is his name?"

Isabel had managed to sneak a letter with the news of her survival to Richard and he had shared them with his siblings, but she did not know if Edward had received them. And, during the days she spent unconscious, recovering, her son had had no name and there had not been an opportunity to send a letter with the information. However, her sister had had the good sense to code the letter she had managed to send so their father would not have been able to object to it being sent and so, if it fell into the wrong hands, her reputation would be somewhat protected. Of course, with one bastard to her name, it was already in tatters, but another pregnancy would hardly do good.

"Edmund," she said softly and heard George take in a breath sharply. "I wanted to honor your brother." In another life, perhaps I would have been his wife and not Edward's. I would be the royal Countess of Rutland, instead of Edward's discarded whore.

Richard walked behind her and from her daughter soft giggles, she knew he was most likely making faces at Lily. At least, even if Edward neglected them with his new marriage, her children would have their aunts and uncles. They would have Neville and York at their backs and to her, that was enough.

"I must go stand with my family. But we should share a meal one day," she made her excuses, neglecting her curtsy due to the children and walked, feigning confidence, to her father, stepmother and half-sisters.

Anne squealed when she saw her and immediately stood up on her toes to catch a look at Edmund. A sharp glare of their father made her step back and she nodded softly. "Father, Lady Anne."

"Charlotte. Glad to see you deigned joining us," her stepmother replied icily.

"I could not miss meeting the new queen," she said sweetly, bile rising in her throat at the idea of having to see Edward with another woman. She knew there were others, she was not foolish enough to believe he was faithful to her despite his promises. But, she had always believed him to be loyal enough that at the very least, he'd not commit bigamy.

Marrying another woman...announcing that marriage...did he not see their children would not be legitimate? That he would pass his throne to a bastard if he let the farce go on?

"A common Lancastrian girl as queen," her stepmother remarked, no doubt wanting to see anger flare up in her face, but she schooled her features into a mask of calmness.

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