Chapter 25: Do's, Don'ts, & Donuts

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"I can't fit this in my mouth," I complained. "It's too big."

I attempted to take a bite from my burger, but it seemed almost impossible. Each time I tilted the sandwich, a pickle would fall out, or a slice of tomato would slide over.

Griffin laughed, watching me struggle.

"Come on. How can I not make a dirty comment about that?" he groaned.

I stuck my tongue out at him, matching his childishness with my own. I felt a wetness on my chin, but before I could get a napkin, his thumb flicked up, wiping at the stray juice that had slipped out. A simple touch, and yet everything felt intimate with him.

"So this is the special place where you work your Griffin Keely magic," I said.

Greenwood Diner was a local burger place famous for its 1950s diner style. Each navy blue and white table had jukebox stations where you could choose songs for just a quarter. There was an arcade in the back, and every once in a while, you could see the flashing lights go off from someone who had won a prize from the toy crane machine.

Griffin smiled lazily. He probably knew he looked good, with his tousled black hair spilling over his forehead and the light blue button-down he wore that brought out the ocean blue in his eyes. He leaned forward, pressing a quarter into the machine and turning the dial. Within seconds, Elvis's Hound Dog started playing.

"Trust me, Grey," he said, his voice husky, "The only person special enough for me to have brought here is you."

My cheeks grew hot. "Not bad, Keely. I'll give that pickup line a five."

"Just a five?"

"Just a five."

"What can I get for the other five?" He gave me a cheeky smile.


I rolled my eyes. "You think you're so sly, Griffin Keely."

"Let's play a game," he said, a devilish smile spreading across his face. "Whoever backs down from a dare first loses."

"What does the winner get?" I said, not one to back down from a challenge.

"Bragging rights. And a kiss from the loser."

"Just a kiss?" I teased.

"Don't joke about it if you're not about it, Grey," he said in a faux serious tone.

I pursed my lips together as I thought of a dare. "I dare you to..." I looked around the restaurant before I saw a young couple sharing a milkshake. "Sit next to that couple over there for a minute without saying anything."

"What?" he said, looking back at me. "Seriously?"

I stuck a straw into my glass of water, biting back a giggle. "Time's ticking."

He shook his head and then winked at me. "Game on." He confidently walked over to the table to join the couple, sliding into the booth without saying anything. They looked at him with the weirdest expression as he peered at the menu nonchalantly.

I brought my menu to my face, trying to hide my laughter as he walked back.

"I'm pretty sure they're going to get a restraining order against me if they ever see me again," he said. "Your turn. Okay, I dare you to walk to the takeout guy and ask if you can deliver the order instead."

I looked at the delivery guy standing by the front, looking bored and pissed off as he organized someone's order into a bag. He didn't look like he'd be in the mood for any joke. "I lose," I said airily.

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