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The alley was dark, much like the others in the city. No one would notice the woman slip out of it and turn onto the road that led only to the mansion.

If you did not know, the mansion was the largest building in the town, with glowing windows and chandeliers in every room. The gardens were filled with beautiful roses and trees. The balconies had railings of marble, and a door fifteen feet tall. The best part? It was supposed to resemble a wood cabin, and was ninety percent made of wood.

A woman by the name of Kate stood outside the gates, with nothing but a bag in her hand. Swiftly and quietly, she jumped over the fence with ease and rolled, springing to her feet.

In a blur, Kate dashed to a dark corner of the large castle-cabin. For a second, she admired the beautiful exterior of the mansion. But it lasted only moments. Like a flash, she was back in the shadows, digging through a bag that had been on her shoulder. She drew out a large gallon bottle, and smiled as she opened the lid, staring at the dark substance inside. The cars didn't need it as much as she did.

Then she made the first sound of that night. There was a slight sloshing and splashing, and Kate poured out the gasoline slowly over the wood, spreading it all across the wall, covering as much space as she could.

With a smile, she set down the empty gallon jug and breathed in the smell of gasoline.

It tickled her nose, and Kate had to try hard not to giggle.

"Silly, silly," she muttered to herself, still smiling as she took the other object from her bag.

A tall can, with a handle on the top and a spout at the end of it, almost like a spray bottle. But that was most definitely not what this was. This was a tool that had been used by Kate on many different occasions, each with horrifying results. Not for Kate, oh no. But for others whom Kate does not like. Yes, that is a rather important detail.

The owners of the log mansion had wronged Kate long ago, though no one really remembers what happened. The only person who knows Kate was wronged was Kate herself. And she couldn't even recall the occasion, only that it happened and it was not in Kate's favor. So naturally, Kate had to fix it. Just a loose pipe that the plumber had to tighten before the entire system exploded.

Her hands covered in gas, the blowtorch in on hand, a shiny ring on the other. She slipped the ring off, easy because of the grease, and set it on a nail sticking out.

"Here you go, bae," Kate whispered. She lit the blow torch, and the entire wall lit up in flame.

Kate sat back and watched the fire grow. It lept around, smiling and dancing like a gypsy. The flames glittered millions of colors, flashing their bright red smiles and brushing their neon yellow manes, cackling as they feasted on the house. Deep inside, Kate heard a scream as the windows exploded.

"Hello," Kate whispered as a curious bit of the blaze wandered over to her. "How are you?"

She offered her hand so the flame might have something to bite. It's teeth sunk into her skin, and she giggled as her skin blistered. She barely felt it. How was she not screaming? The most special thing about Kate was that she had no nerves, and she never had any. She could not feel pain, or anything else.

It is a blessing and a curse.

A great crackle and a large crash roared, and the wall tumbled down. For one moment, Kate thought with horror that her fire friends had been buried alive. But in milliseconds, they burst out, cackling and dancing with more energy and color than before. They twirled their skirts, they flipped their hair and stopped their feet, singing and dancing.

Kate couldn't stand just standing there and watching them celebrate their life without her. She began laughing with them, dancing and jumping and twirling into the middle of them, and they welcomed her with open arms.

With a leap of the heart and a laugh from her thought, she realised that she had become one of them. Her hair had been replaced with fire, and her outfit was now orange and red.

Much more tired now, she laid down on the burning couch and closed her eyes. The party was nearly over now, anyway.

Again, death. Kate did not realise that she was being burned alive, by the way. She must be kind of dumb. Also, thank you so much StellaYvonneEast for making my cover! It's amazing, thank you!

Thank you and GOODNIGHT!

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