Chapter 9 - The Sunset

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"I think north is probably that way," I pointed from close to where we landed the ship earlier.

"It is," replied Keleon. "I'm assuming you were paying attention when we landed then?"

"Of course," I grinned, and we headed out of the northwest hanger door and stepped into the evening air.

The atmosphere was serene, everything was calm and still. There was a slight breeze carrying the faint scent of the green fruit I remembered eating while in my room. Some of the thin orange fruits that Mia had suggested trying were also scattered around, and looked like lanterns hanging from their bushes. There was a worn track through the vegetation heading north, wide enough to walk side by side, so I pointed and suggested we followed it.

The air was still fairly warm, like a summer evening on Earth. I looked at the man I was holding hands with.

"This is nice already, and we haven't even reached any water yet," I observed.

"Yeah, it's so quiet," he replied. "I like it. And I like that I'm with you."

Heat filled my cheeks and happiness filled my heart.

"I like being with you too, Keleon," I said.

"I hope so," he said. "I feel like sometimes I just about get the hang of certain things, and then it turns out there's more I didn't know."

"Is there anything in particular that you want to know now?" I asked.

"Actually, there was something I wasn't sure of. Can we kiss whenever we like? Or are there some rules for that too?"

"It's a good question," I replied, as I stepped over a piece of debris on my side of the path. "It may make other people feel slightly uncomfortable if we kiss each other on the lips while we're around them, so when we're alone is probably better. But when we're alone, I can't imagine any reason I would object."

"OK, then, I'm glad I asked." He sighed. "Playing chess is logical. There's a set of rules and they don't change. But relationships? How do you even know what the rules are?"

"You learn from experience, I guess. Much like anything else. If you haven't had much experience, then you're not going to know."

"So, you've had lots of experience? Lots of boyfriends?"

"Actually, no, not really," I replied. "I mean, I fooled around a little bit when I was at school, but then at fifteen I was taken to that facility you got me out of, and there wasn't anyone there that interested me until you walked through the door. I guess I've learned a lot from films and talking to people at the facility about their experiences. Observations, mainly. I guess I've also seen the interactions between the parents of my friends."

"Not your own parents?"

"I've never met my father," I admitted. "My Mum told me that he disappeared from our lives before I was born. She also told me not to bother trying to find him as I'd never find him. It's not like I'd know where to start, anyway. My father's name is 'unknown' on my birth certificate."

"That must be tough."

"Well, not really actually. Mum's great, you know? And it's not like I've known life any other way. It's just been me and Mum. Talking of which, I should really send her a message letting her know I'm OK."

"I think Helen said your Mum would know that we have custody of you," he replied. "I think she's going to talk to you about it tomorrow."

Knowing that helped me feel better about not contacting her earlier. Keleon had been so ... distracting.

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