chapter iii

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We'll Meet Again - Vera Lynn

Things are confusing. I don't really know who I am anymore. I thought I loved Michael Myers. Now I'm plotting his death along with mine. It has to happen, though. Michael has been alive for too long. He needs to be stopped. I would end him right here right now if I could but he's too strong. He would also be able to stop me. The attack is too obvious. I can't go for the obvious kill. Guess I'll have to come up with something clever and sneaky.

It's also the fact that Rachel never truly cared for me. I mean, how did Michael even know that? Does he suddenly read minds now? Maybe he overheard her saying some crucial things about me. I wouldn't blame her one bit, though. The last interaction I ever had with her was when I ran from the school at the reunion and took off to find Michael, to kill him. It's funny how that never happened, me killing him. And now I'm afraid that my plans won't come to fruition this time, too. Maybe my immortal senses will come back to my head and force me to have heart eyes for him. I seriously hope that does not happen.

"Okay. Let's just plan a getaway. Let's get out of state. Let's start over our lives. Do you think you can do that?" I look at him.

He shakes his head no. Of course.

"Michael, are you just going to live your murderous life over and over again? You're going to get caught!" I'm trying to act like I have no intent to kill him. He doesn't know. I look out into the trees as I listen to sirens going off. I'm sure it's for me. I sigh. "I don't want this... this life with you, Michael. I want to move on from all of this evil stuff." My lying isn't the best but I'm trying. "I want to live a good life with you." It's such a lie. Little does he know that I'm going to end up killing him.

Living a life with Michael would be one of the most loneliest lives ever. And traumatizing. One, he's mute. Two, well... you can already guess.

"We should run off into the woods and go so far. We should end up in the middle of nowhere and live there," I explain. "Doesn't that sound nice?" He nods his head.

I'm staring into the forest again. My mind can't form a picture of what living in the middle of nowhere with Michael would be like. It's just blank. But I must lie to him to get him killed.

"We should go then." I sit up and trudge my feet forward. Leaves crunch beneath my feet. I don't hear following steps behind me so I check to see what Michael is doing. He stands still, staring at me. "Come on." He pauses some more before walking up to me. He's acting slightly weird...

We start walking from there on deeper into the trees. My parents have probably been notified of my disappearance. It's probably been reported that I went on a slight rampage and my face is probably plastered over papers and TV's. It's okay, though. Soon it'll all be over and the wanted images will be taken down. Because I'll be dead.

Is that how I wanted my life to be? Absolutely not. I wouldn't have asked for this ever. Never in a million years. I would never wish this life on anyone.

Michael's footsteps from behind I've suddenly noticed are gone. I spin around... and he's gone. Completely. Nowhere to be seen.

"Michael?" I call out, looking around.

I look behind trees, I spin around in circles to find any glimpse of him. Not a single clue of where he went. He just disappeared.

Something is wrong with him. There's a black cloud in the back of my mind, and it's telling me something...

He knows.

He knows my plans.

He knows I'm going to kill him.

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