Chapter 20- Rouge

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Chapter 20- Rouge

Searing pain. That's all I felt. The pain only increased as the rouge bit harder. Another howl fled my mouth and soon I heard the growls of Blake and the other fighters to my left. With new found strength I slammed my head to the left so it knocked into the rouge and winced at the pain that spread through my wounded shoulder. The result of my attack made me not care for the wincing in my shoulder and I soon staggered to my feet and got back into my defensive position ignoring my shoulder.

Hope increased in my stomach as I saw Blake lunge for the rouge and I quickly positioned myself in front of the tree. I could hear the whimpers coming from behind me making me growl at the thought of the rouge harming him. My wolf's protectiveness was reaching the surface and I knew that if something would happen I would lose control. Looking at the fight taking place I could tell that Blake had it under control but I was at war with my feelings. One side of me wanted to attack to and kill the rouge for even thinking about going near Christopher and the other half wanted to guard the tree so I know he would be safe.

I didn't even notice that I zoned out from the battle inside my head until I felt a cold nose nuzzle my side. I winced as it got close to my shoulder and a whimper was heard. Looking up I saw the wolf of Blake and even though he was trying to keep me relaxed I couldn't stay still. Quickly going behind a tree I shifted back even though it wouldn't help my shoulder. I needed to know Christopher was okay and I don't want to frighten him anymore than he already is. Human form was the best approach.

Walking towards the tree I could see confusion settle onto Blake's appearance but I ignored that. I crouched down by the hole in the trunk and slowly peered in. He jumped and I cradled Christopher in my arms shushing him to calm his hysterics.

"Shhhh. It's okay. You're okay." I cooed. He kept crying and hugging tighter and I tried my best to keep the pain away from my shoulder. Blake sensed my discomfort and took over the calming gesture that I gave. Parker walked up to me and looked at my shoulder. He said that the wound was deep but it was already starting to heal. After him saying that I still needed it to get checked by a pack doctor, I agreed and we all made our way back. I kept my shoulder covered and insisted on making sure Christopher was safe before I went to the pack doctor.

After ten minutes I concluded the he was injury free except for a few scratches from the bark. I still couldn't understand what was going on. Was it a coincidence or did they want Christopher? Ordering my mind to relax, I gave a sleeping Christopher a kiss on the top of his head and made my way to the pack doctor.

Walking into the hospital wing in the pack house I made my way down the hall and came to a stop at the second door at the end. Walking in I found the main pack doctor, Dr. Reynolds.With his back facing me he told me to take a sit so I did and I patiently waited as he went through some of the papers that he carried in with him. When he was done going through them and putting them where they belonged he turned towards me and immediately bowed his head.

"I apologize for my rudeness Luna." Dr. Reynolds said politely and I told him that he had no reason to apologize. He nodded and then looked towards my shoulder. Walking up closer to it he examined it more clearly. "It seems to be healing nicely but I would like you to be on bed rest for a while. Don't do any heavy lifting, you can walk around but make sure its limited so it doesn't stretch the wound and increase the healing time. Before you go I'm going to check you pulse and see if you are good to go. Blood loss is always a big concern." With that said he took my arm and checked my pulse.

"Your pulse looks good and I don't have anything else to give you except maybe some pain medication." He said while rummaging through a tiny cabinet above the sink where he soon returned holding a pill bottle. "Two pills every eight hours when needed. If you have any questions feel free to call. You should be healed in a matter of days, a week and a half tops." Smiling he said I was free to go so I made my way to the door. As the door was closing I put the pill bottle in my back pocket and made my way back to my room.

Blake was sitting on the bed when I came back and when he heard the door open he was quick on his feet. I smiled and his face dropped the concern that it held moments before. I walked towards him still with the smile on my face and when I reached him he took me in his arms and inspected my shoulder like doctor Reynolds had. I released a chuckle at his protectiveness. "It's fine. Dr. Reynolds said that it will heal in a matter of days and I can't do any heavy lifting." He sighed in relief and hugged me once more avoiding my shoulder. "How's Christopher?"

"He's fine, still sleeping since you left to go to Dr. Reynolds." Blake replied but I could tell that he was in deep thought.

"What you thinking?" I asked him quietly.

Running his hands through his hair, Blake took a step back and lowered himself on the bed. "I can't help feeling that it wasn't a coincidence." I sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed next to him.

"Me too. I just hope not."

We laid in bed thinking over our thoughts. About fifteen minutes later I hear little feet running and small whimpers. Seconds later our door opens and Christopher climbs in between us.

I'll protect him even if it kills me.

Those were the last thoughts before I let myself drift to sleep.

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