20 | Cedric And The Person Who Wants To Kill Him

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Cedric Diggory was one of the people who heard the fight between me and Harry a few minutes early, and he was also one of the people who heard me claim that the switching of my robes was a simple mistake.

But now, considering he was staring at Draco and I in absolute horror, he knows I'm a liar.

And that I was snogging Draco.

"Bloody hell," I swore under my breath, my hands breaking out from where they were previously clutched onto Draco's robes, "please kill me."

Cedric was paralyzed, staring at the scandal in front of him.

A scandal that consisted of: a sweating Slytherin, wearing a Gryffindor robe, who's hair was about as disheveled as it could possibly be; a Gryffindor, wearing a Slytherin robe, who was pressed up against the stone fountain by that said Slytherin.

"W-wait," the boy stuttered, the golden egg in his arm almost dropping to the floor, "no...just no, no this is wrong—woah, this is just incredibly wrong."

Draco wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand, his eyes narrowed into slits at the boy's words. It was then that I noticed Cedric had a towel hanging off of his shoulder, and was clearly about to take a bath when he discovered us.

He gulped.

"I saw nothing," Diggory said quickly, spinning on his heels and storming out of the bathroom.

This...was a nightmare. 

I'd been parading around Draco for almost a month now, and the second I decided to kiss him, someone just happens to be standing there. Someone who knew Harry. Someone who spent the summer with Harry, and was probably off on his way to tell Harry what he saw.

Draco adjusted his tie, clearing his throat, "wait here."

I blinked, "where are you going?"

"To handle something."

And not more than a minute later, Draco was dragging Cedric back into the Prefect's Bathroom by the ear, hissing at the Hufflepuff to stop complaining. Diggory was clutching onto his towel with dear life, the golden egg wrapped inside it like a blanket.

I blinked again.

What am I watching?

Draco forcefully let go of the boy's ear, sending him stumbling back towards the bathroom stalls, and Cedric nearly fell onto his back. He looked like he was about to die.

"Oh, quit whining, Diggory," Draco hissed, "it's not like I ripped your ear out."

That didn't make Cedric feel any better.

"How long has this been going on?" He whimpered, his hazel eyes widening in fear and confusion as he glanced back and forth between me and the Slytherin.

"Well, I've been after her for a year," Draco said bluntly, "but technically only four weeks."

Wait...let's back up.

Did Malfoy just say he's been after me for a year? I mean, I didn't really expect him to say it out loud, but it explained that day in third year where I caught him staring at me. And it also explained why he somehow managed to know my name before we officially met.

Cedric turned his gaze towards me, a sudden scowl on his face.

"I can't believe you're doing this to Harry," he frowned, sucking air through his teeth, "after all he's done for you?"

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