Meeting her

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6:50 AM
Y/N's point of view

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
I slowly wake up from my bed after a short night. I knew that I should not have started that new manga I brought yesterday, even if I'm used to the lack of sleep... Anyway, today is my first day at school and I can't do anything about it. I quickly get dress and head downstairs. While eating my breakfast, I think of Sayori. She forgot to tell me if she'd walk to school with me today. After I brush my teeth and check my bag, I step outside. Sayori is nowhere to be seen, heh, guess I will be alone today... As I start to walk towards school, I hear someone yelling.

???: "Y/N, wait! Slow down already!"

I turn around to see an annoying girl running towards me, waving her arms in the air. She doesn't seem to notice that everyone is looking at her. This girl is my childhood friend, Sayori.

Sayori: "*Pant*, *Pant*, sometimes I really think *Pant* that you're making me run *Pant* on purpose *Pant*."

I let her recover her breath as we continue to walk.

Y/N: "Heh, let me remind you that you didn't tell me if you were going to be here, so I started walking alone."

Sayori: "Ehehe... Yeah... I kinda forgot..."

Y/N: "And you ran something like, I don't know, 50 meters? And you're already tired? You know that if you would do more sports you would not have this problem."

Sayori: "Meanie."

I chuckle as we continue our way to school. I wonder why Sayori didn't ask me about club ye-

Sayori: "Anyway, thinking of joining a club?"

I mentally slap myself in the face.

Y/N: "I already told you Sayori, all that stuff is not my cup of tea. And honestly, if it was, in which club would I go?"

Sayori: "You could come to mine..."

Y/N: "Huh... That's the literature club, right? You know that I'm not in literature in general."

Sayori: "But we don't mind that! We're not reading Shakespeare or that kind of stuff! The club is just a place to hang out with friends, share a good book, or speaks together. And you told me that you were going to be a little bit more social this year! And one of our club members made some cupcakes for your arrival. So please come, please please please please please!"

"My arrival" huh? So Sayori already talked to the other members about me. But she knows I love cupcakes...

Y/N: "Huh, ok I'll come..."

Sayori: "YEAAAAAAAH !"

She jumps in my arms and hugs me tightly.

Y/N: "Sayori... Can't breathe..."

And that's how, on the first day of school, I sold my soul for a cupcake. We arrived at school and it was now time to part ways. After waving her goodbye, I started to go to my first class. While making my way to my classroom, a voice caught my attention.

???: "Leave me alone!"

That's a girl's voice, what is happening upstairs? I silently make my way towards the voice to see what's going on.

Bully 1: "Alright, she is stuck, she can't go any further."

Bully 2: "So, you wanted to turn us up huh? That was not very smart, we actually knew that you were going to try that."

Bully 1: "We don't really like girls like you. So, it will be extremely simple."

Girl: "I-I give you my m-money like always and you l-leave me alone, o-okay?"

Bully 1: "Ooooh... but no. Since Miss Bitchy here tried to turn us up, you'll bring us twice as much the money you already give from now on."

Girl: "B-but, I'll never be able t-"

Bully 2: "SHUT UP! Don't you dare back talking me!"


That's enough. I can't let it happened. They bullied her, and now they hit her. I can feel my breath getting faster but I keep my calm and walk towards them.

Y/N: "HEY!"

They turn around to face me.

Y/N: "Let her go, or you're gonna have some problems."

Bully 2: "Heh, you are the mighty knight who came to save his princess? Is she your girlfriend?"

Y/N: "No, to be honest, I don't even know her, but if you don't back away from her immediately, I'll be forced to do something I really don't want to."

They turn around to face each other.

Bully 1: "You know what? You are gonna listen very carefully right now."

They're getting closer to me.

Bully 2: "You're going to give us money every week like that little bitch, like the good dog you are."

They don't seem to have any weapons, almost time to strike.

Bully 1: "And if you don't, well, let's just say that you will know our name."

Without thinking, I grab one of them by their shoulders and violently headbutt him. He steps back, his friend tried to hit me, but I dodged, causing him to hit the wall as he cried in pain. A crowd is now surrounding us before recording the whole thing, but I didn't stop there. I approached the first one and delivered a hard punch in his gut. He bent down, as expected, clenching his stomach. I swiftly kneed him in the face and he falls face-first on the floor with a bloody nose. After recovering from hitting the wall, the other one approached me. The second he got near me, I uppercut him, sending him into the wall. He falls to the floor and he fainted from the pain. I turn my head to see that girl they were harassing. Around my age, small height, pink hair, and some ribbons tied in them. She is sitting against the wall, her knees to her chest, the head down. After calming myself down, I approach her and kneel beside her, I gently put my hand on her shoulder. She flinched at my touch as I hear her sobbing.

Y/N: "Hey, it's alright. I ain't one of them. I'm not a bad guy, I'm on your side."

Her pink eyes are full of tears. I help her get up.

Y/N: "You alright? Did they hurt you?"

Girl: "N-no *sob*, not this t-time..."

Y/N: "How long has it been going on like this?"

Girl: "I-it started last year, so I-I would say *sob* several months..."

Y/N: "So uh, what's your name?"

Girl: "I'm Natsuki, and you are?"

Y/N: "Y/N."

Natsuki: "So, I'm glad to meet you Y/N!"

Y/N: "Likewise. Even if I would've like meeting you in another context."

Natsuki: "Yeah..."

She looked at her watch.

Natsuki: "Oh, I'm gonna be late for my next lesson, thank you again, see you later!"

Y/N: "Hum, bye..."

And with that, she quickly walks away in the corridor. Frankly, I don't know her, but I know that she doesn't deserve it. She seems genuinely kind, funny and she is very cute. I got out of my train of thoughts, seriously why am I thinking like this? I saw the two on the floor, still unconscious. To think that I wanted to be calm and discrete... Way to go... I slung my bag over my shoulder and I went through the crowd that was created from the commotion and head towards my classroom.

Natsuki's POV

I hastily head towards my classroom. It's the first time someone steps in to get me out of this. And most of all, I don't know him at all. He came, like that, even if I don't know him. Maybe he is a new student? Y/N I believe. I'll try to remember. Hmph, those two assholes will come back next Monday anyway. But this time, he will not be there to protect me. And they are going to be pissed as hell. I don't have many friends that could stand up for me, and about my dad... I prefer not to think about it... After a short walk, I entered my classroom and patiently wait for the bell to ring to go to the literature club.

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