Chapter 18- Hospital

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I'm reposting this chapter as well as chapter 19 in case people didn't see that the story was updated. I updated sort of late at night. So sorry... No new chapters yet! 

Hope you enjoy!

"Drive faster!"


"Hang in there Alarik. You need to hang on for me."


"Jason. You need to go faster or we need to pull over at another pack. He isn't doing well."

"I'm going as fast as I can."

I hear the tense voices but I just want them to stop. I recognize them, but I can't remember where at the moment.

I just want them to stop.


My eyes start to slowly blink open. The bright lights assaulting my eyes. I feel like a weight is in my chest and I hear a high pitched beeping that keeps a steady rhythm. 

My heart, I realize. It's my heartbeat. My eyes travel to the walls, white, bright against the lights. Everything smells clean. 

I sit up slowly, feeling the dull ache in my side from where the scratches are. They'd begun to heal but I knew that they would still hurt for a while. They'd been deep enough. I'd been lucky for Alpha O'Brian's claws to open the silver wound back up, it had helped the healing process. 

I look down at the gauze covering the majority of my left side

I swing my legs over the side of the bed my bare feet brushing against the cold white tile. 

I've always hated this place. Hated the way it's so white, the way the smell of the antiseptic burns my nose. The place smells like sickness and death. Werewolves only come here when they're beyond healing on their own. 

I stand up and cross the small room, grabbing my t-shirt from the chair. I lift it up, looking it over. It's completely covered in blood, my blood. Shredded on the side by claws and blades. How did I survive that?

I turn and toss the shirt into the trash bin when I hear a high pitched scream. I feel it deep within me, it's Allison. She's in here and she's in trouble. 

I run through the hallways, my bare feet smacking against the floor as I make my way toward the sound of her scream, letting the feel of her through the bond lead me to her. I sense panic. 

I burst through the door, a doctor standing at the end of the bed, a confused nurse standing beside her. 

"Get away from me! Don't touch me with that!" Allison's screams carry through the room, spilling out through the rest of the pack hospital. I wouldn't be surprised if half the pack could hear her. 

"You heard her," I say loudly. "Step back!"

The nurse's eyes go wide at the sound of my voice and she steps back quickly, even the doctor does. Neither of them wanting to test me. 

"What is going on?" I make my way to Allison's side, my hand automatically reaching for her's and clutching it tight. 

"Th-they were going to inject me with a drug. They were going to knock me out. Don't let them do it, Alarik, please don't let them."

Allison's voice is so small, her eyes wide and frightened. I can feel her entire body shaking with fear. She is terrified of what they were about to do and I can't help but feel a stab of anger. 

"It's only for your benefit, Ms. Cole. It's to make you comfortable for the procedure."

"No. No, I don't want it." Her voice is still so small, shaking with every breath she takes. 

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