Chapter 7

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5 am

I woke up with the rain pouring once again in the city of New York, I then do my morning routine of yoga breakfast and last but not least seeing what's happening with my phone. I then begin to read through my emails.


Hello, my amazing writer I wanted to let you know that your next chapter is due soon and if you need any help with anything let me know. – From Sam

I then walk back to my room and begin to get dressed since today I'm going to be working on a few chapters at the coffee shop.

Oh, Shoot! What time is it!

I'm supposed to be meeting Ace outside!

I immediately check the time as I rush into my closet and begin to get dressed. Grabbing all my stuff as I rush out the door and down to the lobby.

I see Ace standing in a suit as he looks so mouth watering. Oh my god, he's my boss. But a sexy boss at that.

"Your late," he says as his voice is still slightly raspy from the morning.

I then smile as I get into his car. "Good morning sir" he then instantly stiffens as he slowly looks at me "are you trying to make me angry," he says as I let out a slight giggle as we begin to drive.

We then stop at this very classy diner.

"Mr. Knight what a pleasure to have you. But of course, the VIP booth. Your waiter will be arriving shortly. In the meantime, would you like me to take your coats" the man said as we followed him to our seats.

Ace then simply nodded as he passed him his coat along with mine. "Thank you," I said as we began to look at the menu.

"This place is beautiful," I said as he smiled to himself. Sometimes I just wish I knew what he's thinking about.

Moments later we take our orders, and our waiter returns with our food.

"So, tell me how your book is coming along," he says as I feel my stomach flutter "I-it's actually going great."


Ace then grabs his phone as he reads a message, he curses to himself.

"Is everything ok?" I say as he then began to ruffle through his hair.

"My assistant just informed me that the fundraiser for next week is being rescheduled for tomorrow," he says as he then begins to send a text.

"Oh, well that's ok at least they gave you a day to prepare rather than having it tonight. I mean what a nightmare that would b-"

"You're coming with me," he says bluntly causing me to choke on my drink.

"Hold up, what?!"

"Change of plans, finish up we have a few things to do," he says as he finished eating and got up to make a phone call. This man is out of his mind if he thinks I'm looking for that kind of attention. I was also really looking forward to spending some time with his mother. Ace is just so mysterious I was kind of hoping I could learn a little more about him.

*A few hours later*

"My feet are killing me Ace why do I need all this stuff!?" I say as I let out a groan of frustration. We have been going around to so many luxury designer shops buying things. "Ace are you even listening to m-." before I can finish, I feel him lift me off the floor and carry me into his arms. Causing me to instantly blush redder than a tomato as I gasp.

"W-what are you doing put me down," I say as I try to pull away but who am I kidding this man is like 6 foot something, built of pure muscle theirs no way I can get out of his arms let alone survive the drop. I'd most likely break my butt bone. He continued to hold me I then just gave up and held on tightly shoving my face into his rock-hard chest. I look up in embarrassment as the people look at us. "Ace why do you like to do this to me" I mumble to him as he lets out a deep and sexy laugh. "Because your mine," he says causing me to melt. "I-I'm what" I studder as he puts all the bags in the car. Still holding me if I may add.

He then gently lets me down having my body press against his. I then feel him hold my waist as I'm being pressed to his chest. I stare at his delicious lips. Feeling him lean in slowly our lips inches apart.

Just then his phone rings once again. Ace then loudly growls as he walks off to answer the call. I love seeing him so frustrated it's so adorable. He's a boss after all I expect no less from a person of his level, I don't know how he does it.

The drive back to my house was quiet. It was about 9 in the evening as we got home, "let me help you," he says as he helps me take everything inside. "Thank you, would you like something to drink? I have wine, Champaign, lemonade and orange juice take your pick" I say as he lets out another chuckle "your so cute, I'll take a glass of Champaign in celebration to your book's success" he says as I begin to pour him a glass "what do you mean success I pretty much just started no one knows yet."

He lets out a smile as I hand him his glass "that phone call from earlier was from Samantha your editor, she sent out a sample of your work to one of my teams in downtown New York, they offered a sneak peek to readers and your book has over 10 thousand pre-orders" he says as he takes a sip from his drink.

I let out a gasp as I begin to feel the pressure and excitement "I completely forgot about that; this is amazing" I say as I giggle. 10,000 people liked my book. I know for a well-known author this is nothing but for a rookie like me... well, this is absolutely amazing.

After a few drinks and laughs with Ace, I begin to feel extra bubbly.

"So, tell me what would a big shot like you want with a girl like me?" I say as I'm now sitting on the floor criss-cross. "I wasn't always this 'big-shot', there was this amazing girl who helped me long ago who did an amazing act and although it seemed small.... It really changed my life" he says as he looks away smiling to himself. I begin to feel something swell in my chest.... jealousy...I never got jealous before but the way he spoke about this girl... made me wish it were me. I then look down as I feel the sadness almost explode. "Annalise, baby... why do you look so sad princess?" he says as he picks me up placing me in his lap. "W-who is that girl?" I blurt out without even thinking. He smiled just before he got to answer his phone rings once again "you should probably get that" I say as I pick up the empty glasses putting them in the sink.

"I should get going," he says looking at the time. "D-don't leave," I say as I notice his eyes slightly widen and body stiffens... "I-I mean you drank too much I wouldn't want you to drive... you can stay here if you want," I say as my voice slowly goes quiet slightly. I blush intensively as he then smiles once again. "ill go get you some stuff to freshen up if you want" I say as I stumble slightly instantly feeling Aces body behind mine supporting me. "T-thank you" I shyly say as I go to my closet finding some sweatpants and a shirt. "Why do you have men's clothes," he says quietly but almost in a scary way. "I like to shop from the men's section sometimes, what can I say I'm a sucker for coziness," I say as I shrug.

I then turn to see the sexiest men I've ever seen in my life walk out of the washroom with nothing but the sweatpants I gave him. "Fuck" I say to myself as my eyes widen from saying that out loud. He then bursts out laughing as he rushes to me as he holds me in his arms while kissing my forehead. "Your so adorable Annalise," he says as he gently kisses my lips causing me to moan. Mmmm. He then stops himself as I blush intensively. "You should probably get some sleep princess" he smirks as I feel the heat between our bodies radiate.

To tell you the truth I wanted so much more. "I then walk to my room and get my clothes as I quickly change into some matching pyjamas. I then peak out of my door to see Ace lying on my couch. "If you want... you can sleep on the bed," I say shyly but get no reply. I guess he wants the couch. I then lay under the sheets as I snuggle into position of complete relaxation. After a while later I can't seem to put myself to sleep until suddenly, I feel the bed dip and a body pressed against my back as strong arms wrap around me. I continued to pretend to be asleep. "Your mine princess and only mine," he says kissing my back making me shiver.

I then feel myself drift off into a deep and relaxing sleep.

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