Chapter 16. Detention and baseless rumors

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Two months and a half had passed since the opening ceremony. Time flew by for the watcher students who only trained, studied then trained some more. They did not have more days off. And the last day off had left them with a bitter taste, to say the least.

Not only did they suffer from the presence of the girls that intruded during their free time, now they also had to suffer several unfair consequences as an aftermath.

One of the consequences being that because of an unfortunate accident that occurred after the awful dinner that day, they all had detention, and were not allowed to go to the city, even on Sundays.

"That was not an unfortunate accident!" Evan stated with a grave deep tone, as his eyes stared spitefully at Marcus. He was after all the cause of all their problems, in his opinion. Though if Marcus were to know his thoughts, he would beg to differ.

"Ohhh come on! Of course it was an accident." The latter immediately contradicted aggravated. His sincere eyes and convincing tone being the strongest and most irrefutable evidences of Marcus's innocence. They would have made anyone who listened to the story agree that it really had been an accident, just by listening to his version of the matters.

Though with the other members already accustomed to Marcus's short temper, and due to the hard cold evidence for what transpired, no one could really call it an accident.

After all, this was the reason they were being punished these days.

The irony of the matter was that the ones who caused the "accident" were the ones who were feeling most wronged by the turn of events, though the rest of the pack also suffered alongside them. In fact the other members were the ones who were placating the bickering between the two.

Another funny thing was that almost always the argument would proceed the same way. And as this time was the hundredth time they argued about the incident, the other members already knew the words that would follow by heart.

"Pushing those girls out of the car in the middle of nowhere, after making sure you were out of the city, was not an unfortunate incident. It was intentional!" Evan replied. His condescending look and the mocking tone, were meant to imply that Marcus was a fool.

"They are werewolves and I left them in the forest, it is practically their home, wooses." Marcus replied upset, feeling it was really unfair for Evan to speak this way to him, when he was clearly an accomplice. Evan was after all in the car with him at that time.

"Also, you are talking like I was the only one in the car that day. You were with me too. I did not hear you then about wanting to bring them back, you did not say at least afterwards that we should turn back for them. In fact, you actually sighed relieved and never said a word on the whole way back. Or what do you think, should I still bring them back after those nasty words they said?" Marcus continued accusingly, his voice getting louder.

"I did not say that. And did I say we should not react to what they said? Of course we should, but we should have done so with more tact. We should have punished them in such a way they could not have implicated us. And now look, even Alpha has detention, and she wasn't even in the car with us." Evan explained logical, while he pointed towards Celia.

For the first time during their argument, Marcus was tongue tied. Indeed they had all been punished for his actions. He felt sorriest for Celia who was in fact the victim.

After the dinner which ended abruptly, as all of the pack members had lost their appetite, and feigned the need to return to the Academy for their studies, the pack members boarded their cars and started driving back.

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