21. Heavy News

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1. The scenes that are italised are scenes from the books the movie is based on; and is the scene they're acting out... Filming, etc. Hope that helped.

2. You guys are ridiculously awesome!

3. Rushed is now #375 on teen fiction (22/01/15) where as it was #454 yesterday!!!! You guys are freaks! Awesome freaks!!!!!

4. I wanna finish this book before second year college starts so fingers crossed!

21st chapter!!!! O.M.G!!!!

will update if I get more than 25 votes and 6 comments!!!

Dedicated to Thepotatodealer for your awesome comments!!!



[ edited 6 Dec 2015 ]

For the next one and a half week filming went along perfectly.

Dylan and I came to a clear understanding of not hanging around each other too long. Because if we did, World War III was sure to occur. Amelia kept on helping me sharpen my acting skills and based on the fact that we were filming scenes only four or five times, I think it was paying off.

During breaks and when we were not filming, I would be hanging out with her or with Harry, trying to outsmart and beat his high score. By now, he'd reached Level 135 and I reached Level 126.

Right now we were hanging out by the catering table, waiting for Dylan and Tyler's scene to wrap up. It was one of those get-the-jilted-ex-drunk scenes where Julian Van Dyke, Ethan's college roommate tried to get him drunk and forget about his cheating ex.

Then he'd drop Ethan off at the Clarke mansion, where Ashleigh Bishop would take over.

That would also be our first scene acting together, me and Tyler.

"So," Harry's voice brings me out of my reverie. "You think you can handle O'Brien?"

"What? Of course I can. Why wouldn't I be able to?" I asked, before shoving a crunchie bar into my mouth.

"Ever since it was announced he'd be cast, you've been a little... high-strung." Harry's eyes were on me, cautiously reading me.

"High-strung, me? Never," I tried to act nonchalantly, hastily chugging down the bottle of Fiji water. I just stayed away from Tyler, or being near Tyler or being 100 feet of Tyler.

It wasn't my fault! The guy kept on giving me this looks that told me he knew something about me, something I didn't want anyone to know. Besides, after our first three failed meetings, I thought it better for my sanity and his stability for us to stay away from each other.

But now, I would be filming a scene with him, where we were to communicate.

Shit! The worst happened. The water went down my wind pipe and I choke, loudly.

Harry tried to calm me down as he patted my back softly. "Breathe Alex. Breathe."

I did that, my face flushed red.

Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now