Chapter 4

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Martina's POV

''How do you feel, Martina?'' Mrs. Cooper asked me.
''I have been really good.'' I said, smiling.
''That's great.'' She said.

''Can you please inform me what your calorie intake was?'' She asked me and took her notes and pen.
''About 1700 calories per day, Mrs. Cooper. Isn't that great?'' I chirped. I couldn't hide my overall excitement. I was doing really good with this therapy.

''That's more than great. I'm really proud of you. Are you feeling nauseous after you eat?''
''No, Mrs. Cooper. I feel good now. I can eat everything.'' I said.

She smiled at me thoughtfully, making me confused.
''What happened?'' I asked, my smile falling down a bit.
''I think our therapy sessions will soon be over. You have done really good, Martina, and I'm so proud of you.'' She said, making my heart swell with happiness.

''It's all thanks to you. Thank you, Doc.'' I said, using the nickname I was calling her when I first came here. My mom and Mrs. Cooper are good friends and Mrs. Cooper really wanted to help me.

My disorders are anorexia and bulimia. I have that disorders since four years ago. It's been really hard to get on the right track like before, but I did it now. Before my father passed away, he really encouraged me to fight and that was my biggest motivation till now.

''I will see you next Saturday. Okay?'' She asked.
''Yes, Doc.'' I smiled and got up from my chair. After I gave her a hug, I got out of her office.

I headed home walking. I needed some air. I decided to stop by in cafe. I entered the cafe and sat at the table next to the two girls who seemed to be really engaged in conversation.

I ordered iced coffee and waited for my order. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but those girls were talking quite loud. It was impossible to not hear them.

''So what did you found?'' The one asked other one.
''I was recommended to be a personal assistant.''
''And? What's the problem?''
''The boss in that company is very strict. But the payment is $3000 and it's only eight hours.'' She frowned. Girl, if you don't want that job, I'll take it.

$3000 for eight hours? That's not bad at all. I can save up money for college which is the most important thing right now in my life.

''But I won't take it. I'm afraid of their boss.'' She said. Girl, I wouldn't care about the boss, money is important.
I got up from my chair and got closer to them. They looked me up in confusion.

''I'm sorry for interrupting, but I accidentally overheard your conversation. I really need the money and that job seems good. Can you give me their business card or contact?'' I asked pouting and making puppy eyes.

''Yeah, sure. Girls help girls, don't we?'' She smiled and handed me their business card.
''Oh my God, thank you so much. I can't believe that you helped me. Thank you a lot.'' I said, smiling.
''No problem and good luck. I heard that their boss won't accept anyone so easily.'' She warned me.
''Oh okay. I'll be careful. Still thank you.''

I took my coffee and got out of the cafe. I looked at the card they gave me. Rusell Corporation. And their contact number. It seems like a well know company. I couldn't let go of this opportunity.

I went home to find my mom in the kitchen, making lunch for us. I have to tell her about the job and I hope she will agree to this even if it's really hard to convince her into something.

I went upstairs and took a shower. I changed my clothes and went downstairs.
''How was with Mrs. Cooper?'' She asked me.
''It was great. She said our therapy sessions might be over soon because I got really well.'' I said, proud of myself for such achievement.

''I'm so proud of you, honey.'' She said and hugged me.
''Thank you, mom. You were always here for me too.'' I said.
''That's my duty. To keep you safe.'' She smiled and kissed my forehead.

''I wanted to tell you something else too.'' I said, getting more nervous.
''What is it?'' She asked me.
''I found a really good opportunity for a job—'' She interuppted me.
''Honey—'' I cut her off.

''No, mom. Listen to me. I can earn for college and for what I need. The payment is $3000 for eight hours. And I would still have time for school.'' I explained.
''But why would you work?''

''Mom, I'm not a little kid anymore. And Chris works too, for his college. I don't want you to always take care of me.'' I said, sincerely. She sighed. I knew I won in this discussion.

''But if they are not treating you right, you're quitting right away. Do you understand me?'' She said.
''If they don't treat me right, I would quit anyway. You don't have to worry, mom.'' I assured her.
''Fine, then.'' She agreed, making me beam in happiness.

I knew she would agree if I plead her enough. I'm not a fragile little child anymore. I want to become an independent woman one day. And with baby steps, I can do it.

After I ate, I helped my mom to wash the dishes and went inside my room. I decided to make a call. I inserted their phone number in my phone and put it beside my ear. It rang few times before the person on the other side, picked up.

"Hello! This is Rusell Corporation. What can I help you with?" Woman on the other side greeted me nicely.
"I heard you are looking for personal assistant. I would like to apply for a job." I said nervously.
"Are you 18+, Miss?" She asked me.
"Yes, I'm 18." I answered. I hope she won't reject me, because of my age.

"Okay then. Is Monday, 4 p.m., okay for you?" She asked.
"Yes, it's perfect." I responded.
"Great. Can you please tell me your full name?"
"Martina Grey." I responded.
"Alright, Miss Grey. See you on Monday." She chirped amd hung down, before I could say thank you.

My face lit up as I ploped down on my bed. I realized how nervous I was because of this short conversation. But I didn't stutter which just showed how confident I was. I hope I'll be like that on the meeting. Wait! Will I have meeting with a boss? Oh my God.

Mafia's Little Girl (rewritten version)☑Where stories live. Discover now