FORTY-SEVEN: Despondency

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(26th April, 2012)

Rick, Carl and I walked all day for the past two days, Carl and I slept in a car again last night and my neck hurts from having to crouch up so much. Rick still hasn't slept, he keeps saying that he's keeping watch but I think his boo boos hurt too much to sleep in a car. I told Carl as much when we woke up, he just huffed and got out of the car, "we should find somewhere to hold up until you get better." Carl tells Rick as I followed him out of the car. "There's a neighbourhood just down the road a bit, we'll go there and then make a plan." Rick decided, Carl silently nods before offering his hand to me which I took instantly.

We walked for another few hours because we searched some houses for supplies, we found a few bits of cereal and some water. Carl and I were leading Rick, who was still badly limping, and his breath wheezing. "Hey!" He called causing me to jump and Carl to stop before turning around to face his father, "that one's as good as any." Rick gestured to the house to the right side of us, Carl instantly pulled his gun from the waistband in his jeans, and let go of my hand. We walk towards the door, checking around the area to make sure that no walkers were nearby.

When we got to the porch, Rick and Carl moved to either side of the slightly open door. Carl gestured for me to get behind him and to pull out my knife, which I did without argument. "Quick and quiet. We need to clear it before sundown." Rick instructs us, we both nod back at him in response before Rick pushes in, causing the door to bang off the wall. Carl quickly follows him, and I'm not too far behind Carl. Rick closed the door, and placed my back against it. "Naomi, you stay there and be safe." He ordered instantly, "okay." I nod, standing in place, pulling out my knife and watching my surroundings.

Carl and Rick began searching the house, I could hear whispers but didn't understand what they were saying. There was a bang before Carl yelling filled the empty house, "hey, asshole! Hey, shitface! Hey-" Carl was cut off by Rick yelling at him to watch his mouth because he was saying bold words. Carl rounds the corner, coming into my view, "you okay, princess?" He asks gently, I nod bravely before asking him if he was okay. Carl simply nodded and told me that he was going to check upstairs, I gave him a thumbs up and watch him slowly climb the stairs.

It got dark really quickly, and Carl began to show me how to do a clove hitch knot, as he died the door handle to the wooden hold back for the curtains. I looked very complicated, but he made sure to go slow and explain all the steps to me. "Did you find anything?" Rick asks as he enters the living room via the kitchen, "yeah, Carl found me some books, to learn how to read with." I answer with a big smile on my face, "really? Cool... Did you check the back door?" Rick dismisses my excitement to continue to question Carl, but Carl proceeds to ignore him.

Rick begins to push the couch towards the door after Carl secures the knot. I quickly move out of the way, so that I'm not squished between Carl and the couch. "I tied the door shut." Carl points out, clearly not happy that Rick was pushing the couch, "we don't need to take any chances." Rick argues, which resulted in Carl asking him if he doesn't believe that the knot will hold. Rick spoke Carl's name with a stern tone, I watch as Carl's face turns up in anger.

"It's a strong knot. Clove hitch. Shane taught me. Remember him?" Rick didn't look too impressed with Carl bringing up this Shane person, but remained calm, "yeah, I remember him. I remember him every day. There something else you want to say to me?" Carl dropped his gaze from his father's, not willing to respond to Rick, "help me move the couch." Rick ordered, and reluctantly, Carl did as he was told and they pushed the couch right up to the door. "This'll have to do for the night."

|-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/NOEL'S POV-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-|

I couldn't be happier that I found Tyreese and the girls, it certainly made it a whole lot easier to take care of Judith overnight. I don't know how Nyx did it before me met the group, taking care of me and Naomi, not sleeping barely eating, and kids crying out of fear. We were walking in the woods and we heard a woman screaming. "I'll go." I volunteered straight away since Tyreese was holding Judith. I pull out my machete, drop my bags to the floor and take off running towards the screams.

When I get to there, there was a woman dead on the ground being eaten by a walker and two men fighting multiple walkers, father and son. "Chris head for the woods, now!" The older of the two orders, "I can't!" He argues, I grab him by the shoulder putting him behind me before taking out the two walkers that were blocking him. "Noel!" I hear Tyreese yell, I spin around just in time to kill the Walker that was crawling towards me. "Watch out!" I call to the father as a gunshot sounds from close by. It's too late, the Walker behind him snuck his teeth into his neck. "Dad!" Chris called starting towards his Dad, I stopped him while Tyreese killed the Walker.

"Tyreese!" A voice sounds behind us, and I couldn't believe my eyes. There was Carol holding Judith, Lizzie and Mika by her side. Tyreese and I rush over to hug the woman, delighted to see her and know we weren't the only survivors from the prison. If Carol got out, Nyx and Naomi could've too, or Rick, Carl, Daryl, really the whole gang could've escaped. "Kids, wait here." Carol ordered handing Judith to me, and I nod at her understanding that she doesn't want to involve us in what she's considering on doing. "Stay on the tracks, that was my mistake." Chris' Dad choked out heavily bleeding from his neck. "But the woods have more cover." Carol argued almost instantly.

"No, you don't understand. There's a place up the tracks..." The man informed us, "yeah, Terminus. It's a sanctuary, it's safe." Chris adds to his Dad's rambles, "you can take the children there, can you take mine too?" Chris swung around to look at his Dad, "no, I'm not leaving you." Chris tried to argue, "Christopher, if you stay, you'll die. Hopefully these nice people will take you in." Chris' dad looks at Carol and Tyreese silently begging. "You're welcome to join us." Tyreese answered, Carol looked as if she disagreed but kept quiet. "Trust me, please, follow the tracks." Tyreese thanked the man, before our small group left, Christopher decided that he wanted to come with us after all.

Once we were a little bit away from the clearing, Mika broke the silence. "Tyreese, I didn't run. I didn't leave Lizzie." I smiled at her proudly, "see that? Tough little lady." Tyreese compliments her, and Mika looks absolutely thrilled. It's a small victory on the scale of what she'll face, but a victory no less. "Hey, there's some water and food in my bag." Tyreese took the bag off Carol's back, while she took Judith from me. Ty shared the food amongst all of us kids first, "I didn't see you get out. I thought you..." ty trailed off, we all knew what he thought, we've all thought it.

"I wasn't there. I hadn't gotten back yet. Rick and I found a car. He took what we had back to the prison, while I kept looking." Carol explained although she didn't sound too sure of herself, "did you see it?" I asked her, "I saw the end. And then I saw you running into the woods. You were far away. I lost you, but-" Mika cut Carol off, "you found us." Carol nodded smiling softly, "I knew you would." Lizzie claims before we walk further.

"So, Chris is it?" I ask trying to get to know the new guy, "yeah, Christopher Lawson, and you are?" I introduced myself as Noel Dixon, "how old are you?" he asked, "twelve, almost thirteen. You?" I respond casually, "do you know the date?" I nod before informing him that it's April 27th, 2012. "Oh, then I'm 16, almost 17." Chris answers before we fall into silence again. There's no need to overwhelm him with too many questions, he's just lost both of his parents, I know the feeling. Although my parents were jackasses, his seemed nice.

"Look!" Lizzie calls gesturing to a sign under the bridge, her and Mika hurry to see what it says, the rest of us following them close behind. "Sanctuary for all. Community for all. Those who arrive survive." Mika reads aloud for us all, "Terminus." Carol confirms knowing that Chris and his Dad had not been lying about this idea of a safe haven. "We doing this?" I ask the group as we all stare at the sign, "yeah, we're doing this." Ty confirms, so we move on following the tracks.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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