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M O R E   B O O K S !

All of the other books I've written on this account (so far) branch off of The Search for Lily Myers in one way or another, so this feels like an appropriate place to explain how they all fit together if anyone is curious! If you'd rather, you can also skip ahead to the Q&A about this book at the bottom.

(Yes, I was really extra enough to make a whole diagram about how my books are connected. Someone take Canva away from me.)

☞ The Way We Learned to Love  is told from Lily and Liam's POVs for the seven years leading up to this book

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The Way We Learned to Love  is told from Lily and Liam's POVs for the seven years leading up to this book. It could be read first, but that would spoil a lot of elements of Lily, Liam, Henry, and Natasha's backstories that Amelia learned about in this novel. I wrote it with the understanding that it would serve as a follow-up story, so I think a lot of the fun and nuances get lost if you don't already know just how much the characters are going to have to change by the end of the book.

The Dream Before the Dark  takes place in 1992 and tells the story of how Henry's parents met. It works completely fine as a stand-alone and doesn't need to be read in any specific order in relation to my other books. It's shorter than all the others but might be my favorite one that I've written so far—and definitely influenced the role I gave Rob and Jen in this rewrite!

The Imitation Game  begins two months after the events of The Search for Lily Myers. It contains a couple of very broad spoilers but features a mostly different cast of characters than any of my other books. That being said, a certain Natasha might be an important side character in that story, so definitely check it out if you liked her in this book!

Imitation Game Spin-Off  will be coming in 2023 and take place 10 years after the events of The Imitation Game. As of the time of writing this note, I haven't even started drafting it and only just recently came up with a title, but it will stand independently of The Search for Lily Myers other than mentions of what Natasha (and maybe even Henry and Amelia) has been up to during all that time.

 As of the time of writing this note, I haven't even started drafting it and only just recently came up with a title, but it will stand independently of The Search for Lily Myers other than mentions of what Natasha (and maybe even Henry and Amelia...

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