Chapter 3

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It's been a couple weeks since Lamar got Amiyah's number and other than talking when they see each other in the neighborhood, they have been talking on the phone from time to time. They also planned a day for them to go out for lunch which is today. Unfortunately, it's was on Saturday and that's usually when Bianca and Amiyah go out for lunch, but Bianca let it slide just this once.

Lamar pulled the chair out for Amiyah.

"Thank you", Amiyah said.

"Gentlemen? Check", she thought to herself

Lamar sat across from her. "You said you've been here before right?", he asked.

"Yea, Bianca and I have been like almost to every restaurant in this city. We usually go to lunch every Saturday", Amiyah said.

"Except for this one. Sorry", he said.

"No, no. She was fine with it", Amiyah said.

"Maybe our next date would be dinner", he said. "If you even considered this the first one, or if you considered this a date at all. Did you even look at me in that type of way?"

Amiyah chuckles.

"Awkward like me? Check", Amiyah thought to herself.

"Listen, Lamar at this point we are talking and getting to know each other. And I mean really getting to know each other because I don't wanna start a relationship with you and things end bad and we live right across the street from each other and that would be awkward. So I just want things to be good for the both of us. Give each other a chance to see what we're all about then we can go from there. And hopefully we go somewhere because I do think that you are cute", she said.

Lamar smirked.

"But, do I consider this a date? Yes", she said. "Just like you say any gift is special, because somebody decided to give you something. Well a date can be anything, because somebody decided to get you out the house and have some quality time"

Lamar nods. "I love that", he said. "I thought you being a lawyer and all, that you would like all the fancy stuff"

"That would be Bianca", Amiyah said. "I mean I do too, but I don't expect a guy to show me the world when I'm just starting to talk to them. Besides, sometimes the gifts can blind a person and they don't look at the person who is giving those gift for who they. Just what they give"

Lamar nods. "We need more women like you in this generation", he said. "Not materialistic"

"Hey, if I'm going to pick a guy to be with I'll take personality and values over money and gifts everyday. Not saying that a man with some money and gifts isn't I want, but you know what I mean", she said.

"100 percent", Lamar said.

A girl comes up to the table with their menus. "Sorry about that", she said. "Your waitress will be with you shortly"

Amiyah nods.

The girl walks away.

"So, any exciting crime scenes?", Amiyah asked.

"Couple of robberies, a few shootouts, same ole same ole", he said.

"Did you work on that robbery where the old lady at the gas station got shot at?", Amiyah asked.

Lamar nods.

"That just broke my heart and for a little bit of money too", she said.

"Exactly", Lamar said.

The waitress walked over and took their order and then left.

"So, any exciting cases?', Lamar asked.

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