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Carson Hughes

Rejection wasn't something I was used to. That was mostly because I never put myself out there to be rejected. Watching Vinny leave left an empty feeling in my chest and confusion in my head.

The next day when I saw my friends, they all knew something was off with me.

"Are you alright, bro?" Logan asked as he lounged on the couch with Dana under his arm.

We sat down in the basement like we usually did when Logan's parents were home. Archie was going on and on about his night with Crystal while I zoned out looking down at the carpet floors.

Just the thought of Vinny possibly being two floors above me made me feel hollow. His rejection stung more than I would like to admit. It felt like he pulled me in just to show me what I couldn't have. He made me think there was something just for it to vanish in an instant.

I looked up at Logan and mustered up a smile.

"Yeah, I'm good," I said, keeping my voice light to mask what I was really feeling.

I could feel Isaac's gaze on the side of my face, but I couldn't turn to look at him. He knew something had gone on with Vinny yesterday, and as soon as he got me alone, he would ask me about it.

"Guys, focus," Archie called out, gaining our attention. "I didn't even get to the best part about my date with Crystal and you're already not listening."

"Go ahead, Arch, tell us all about it," Hadley said in a bored tone, scrolling through her phone.

"I was just being my normal, charming self when I was driving her home," Archie continued, ignoring Hadley's tone. "And I walked her up to her door like a gentleman and she kissed me."

"That's it?" Isaac asked.

Archie pinched his face in an offended look. "What do you mean 'that's it?' She kissed me! Her lips on my lips!"

"That's pretty standard for a date," Dana added.

Archie started arguing with the group as I stood up from my spot next to Isaac.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom," I said before ascending the basement steps.

I quietly made my way through the house, so not to be caught by Jeff or Val. However, Luna saw me and started following me, her nails clicking on the floor.

"Sh, Luna," I said, stopping to pet her. She sat down beside me for a moment, but when I started moving again, she was following.

I went up the steps and down the hall to Vinny's door. I couldn't stand the feeling of how we left thing. I needed to confront him and tell him exactly how I felt about everything. It would be easier if we were just upfront, if he could just flat out reject me instead of kissing me first.

I tapped on his door, but there was no answer, not that I expected one. There usually wasn't an answer.

Another tap on the door met with no answer.

I let myself in the room, poking my head in. The lights were off and when I flipped them on, I realized the room was empty. My chest deflated and I tried not to let the feeling of disappointment consume me.

Luna went further into the room, sniffing around. I sighed and called her out, shutting the door when she came out into the hallway.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I was met with Isaac's knowing glance.

"What is going on with you?" he whispered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I just wanted to talk to him," I muttered, looking around to make sure no one was listening in.

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