Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

"Why are you still not dressed?!" Layla scowled pushing the door wider to see Alison still lying on the bed in her oversized shirt and shorts.

"Because I'm not feeling very well." She faked a few coughs which made Layla rolled her eyes and scoffed in complete annoyance.

"Get up. I'm not falling for that lame act. I'll give you exactly ten minutes to change and get ready or so help me God, I will drag you in that clothes, either way you're coming." She affirmed pulling her out of the bed and then slumped herself into the bed and tapped her watch while Alison stood confused looking at her friend who was comfortably lying on her bed instead of her.

"Tick tock. Ten minutes. Shane is waiting for us downstairs." She yelled at Alison who was already dragging herself towards the bathroom. Exactly ten minutes, Alison had just finished pulling down her T shirt over her head simultaneously Layla stood up from the bed and dragged her down the stairs before quickly scrambling to get her things from the table.

"Can't believe you won't even let me brush my hair." She mumbled as they walked towards Shane's car and they drove off to the cinema. There, they met Loraine, Rob, Corey and Zoe who were sitting by the couch near the food store.

"Shoot, Layla! I left my wallet at home. Now you're responsible to pay for the ticket and the popcorn, and I want a large one, and a large soda." She dug her bag but only found her phone but not her wallet.

"Fine, you'll get a medium. It's your fault for pretending to be sick and wasn't ready when I came, in the first place." She rebuffed and just in time Jason walked towards them. Why is he here? I thought he's not coming. Alison turned to glare at Layla who quickly looked away pretending to be busy queueing for the food.

"Hey Jay. I thought you'll be working at the workshop." Corey greeted and they did their signature elbow tug.

"I've finished with the car yesterday." He replied taking a seat at the couch after giving a brief glance a her. Once Layla was back with the food, they all went inside and took their seat. Corey obviously sat beside Alison who sat very far away from Jason. The whole movie, she was unable to focus on the occasional jump scare and the annoyingly eerie music but her mind was all about Jason. He's just sitting there a few seats away yet I can't touch him. Should I even still be hanging out with them? They're his friends initially anyway. And I'm making the group so awkward with our situation like this. He's so reserved, he still gave me that cold stare, though I wouldn't blame him. Gosh I really miss him so much. I miss holding his hands. how he'd rub his thumb over my hand. I miss seeing his smile, his sweet sincere smile. His gorgeous dimples. And now he's just so cold. That mean stare. He hates me. And it's my fault. And I miss him, so, so much that it hurt.

"Are you crying?" Corey suddenly asked looking straight at her in the darkened cinema.

"No." She scoffed slowly wiping away the tears she didn't realize had been pouring, pretending to watch the movie and hide half of her face with her clasped hands but her heart continued to clenched, the lump in her throat making it difficult to ignore the pain, realizing that she would never be able to hold his hands, she would never have him look at her the way he did before, she would never be able to smell his scent as they cuddled before, she would never be able to lean on him like he would always offer whenever she was having an anxiety attack or when she was sad. It just dawned to her that things will never be the same even though they stayed in the same room and she hated it. She could not hold back the overwhelming emotions and she decided to walk out of the cinema as quietly as she could, after replying with a fake smile to Corey that she was going to the bathroom.

"Mom, can you pick me up now? Please, I just want to go home, right now. Alright." She hung up the phone placing it back into her bag. It was difficult to see him every day at school with him just passing by, at times ignoring as if she was invincible. It was unbearable now to have to be in the same room with him and pretended that she was fine being so close to him only to be ignored and given the cold shoulder when all she wanted was just to hold him and tell him how much she misses him.

She sat at the edge of the couch waiting for her mother to pick her up which was only a few minutes' drive.

"What are you doing here? Are you alright?" Corey asked joining her at the couch.

"I'm not feeling very well. I think I'll just head home. My mom is picking me up already. You should go back inside." She replied, her voice hoarse.

"Why? Is it because of Jason? Is that why you cried?" Corey hit her with all the right questions causing another tear to slip from her reddened eyes.

"Jeez, Al. I don't understand why would you lie to him when you obviously still care about him and still want to be with him." He sighed patting awkwardly at her shoulder trying to comfort her but did not know how to especially when she broke into a soft sob instead.

"What are you doing out here?" The familiar voice spoke from behind them, making them both to jump from their seat. Alison quickly wipe her tears away and stood up.

"I'm going home. Please tell Layla and Zoe. I'll see you later. Bye." She answered hastily not wanting him to know that she had just cried over him and walked towards the lobby, although she knew that he was not even talking to her.

"You guys are so complicated and it's too much for me to even comprehend." He complaint slumping to the back of the couch with Jason following beside him.

"What happened?" He asked wanting to know what had happened to her, the look on her face was heartbreaking. Her eyes were red like she had just cried, her whole face looked miserable.

"What do you think happened?" He spat.

"I wouldn't ask if I had known, dumbass. Now, tell me." He scowled.

"Well, I just noticed her crying in the middle of the movie. It's a scary movie for goodness sake not a mellow drama movie. But she denied it, her eyes were glistening with tears. Then, when she walked out, I knew there was something wrong so I went to her."

"And?" The thought of her crying somehow desolated him.

"She tried to act all collected and fine when I came, but the moment I mentioned you, it's like a damn waterfall, dude!" He exaggerated wriggling his fingers in front of his face.

"You're being so dramatic." He pushed him teasingly.

"But in all seriousness, she still cares very much about you man. I just don't understand why she lie about the whole Cole thing. I saw them the other day at the carpark after school, they didn't look like a couple at all." He explained.

"You saw them together?" His voice was low.

"No, not together, together. He was trying to talk to her but she just got into her car, completely avoiding him, just like when Sabina wanted to talk to you and you dismissed her like you don't care so pretend Cole is like Sabina and Alison's you." He rambled on.

"And that's how you try to make a point? Ugh... She's hiding something from me and I'm going to find out." He rolled his eyes and muttered the last sentence to himself.

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