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Chapter 51

Sarah's POV.


Let's catch up, shall we?

What happened after that eventful showdown in the cafeteria? You must be thinking.

The trio and the younger Pearson made it clear that they gave no fucks to any girl so they should stop throwing themselves everywhere the trio and younger Pearson go. How did they do it? They literally marched around with banners that said 'beware, taken.'

Hilarious, I tell you. And we got detention for that and  then Leo and Lisa joined for fun.

So technically we had group detention and it was secretly us playing UNO there.

Moreover, I had a coy smile at their behaviour. Sure in PDA Zack was shy but he wasn't ever shy in letting people know that I had his heart. After that day, girls stopped waltzing in their lives like a shameless person. The hysteria of this relationship and the state of euphoria in me was oozing every damn time I walked in hallways. ZACK AND I WERE TOGETHER. And swear to God, it felt amazing.

We are so much alike and so much invested in it.

And as for my former group? We were hanging by a fine thread. Just running into each other around the corner of the hallways but Ellie kept in touch with both Zack and me. We had a sustainable friendship the rest slowly started parting away but we stayed honouring the good memories but that was it.

I sighed.

I was dangling my legs in the air as the girls walked straight in my bedroom as if they owned it and my mother was gushing on how much I have evolved as a personality just by being with them.

"Ready?" I asked, all set with my makeup palette.

"Yes." Tristee breathed as I swivelled my eyes back and forth painting her face while Luna did her hair and then I did it for Luna as well while Samantha helped me with her hair.

"Also, Lisa texted saying she would see us in school" Tristee read the notification loud and we all nodded.

"We are gonna rock this Graduation Ceremony!" The girls cheered as I put on my makeup and straighten my hair as I pin back the 


You heard it right. My senior year has flown away in the blink of an eye and today was the day of my graduation. Generally, I would be in a distraught state as the university comes up next but dare I tell you I wasn't a bit scared. I was accepted in the university of Columbia and my squad was too. It was near to my home and we could especially make and up and down in the times of need or if we were ever homesick but the most important part was WE WERE TOGETHER in it. 

I was happy at another level.

I wore a teal blue formal dress that Zack had gifted me. I was slaying in certainly. The boys came in Limo to pick us up while the parents would come in their respective cars. I mean duh the limelight was on us, after all, we were graduating, weren't we? This year was hectic, not gonna lie but we made times for us. somedays we played videogames huddled in my basement, sometimes we strolled in the park, sometimes we played football and on cosy days Zack took me on dates.

"You look beautiful, Baby girl." He kissed the corner of my mouth leaving me wanting more.

Greedy? Very much.

Do I care? No.

"You look handsome yourself!" I smirked as I kissed his cheek. He had a worn a white button-down shirt with dark washed trouser pants which fitted him like a second skin. His muscles reflexed beneath the sleeve and his lean body flashed from inside. Sharp jawline and chiselled face and sculpted physique.

"Love birds? Let's get going." Nate grinned. I don't know why but the boys looked like a part of the band, all dressed in white and ivory button-down shirt.

I shake my thoughts out of my head and sit in the limo as we move to school. The graduation ceremony was held in the field because it could accommodate a higher audience. We made way to our respective seats as I located my family in the back already giving all of us a frenetic wave and hollered cheers right out. Luna's, Tristee's and the twins family was there. 

"Atta girl." Lisa beamed at us and hugged one by one while Leo hugged guys in a boyish way.

Life is good now. Caring Family and a perfect set of friends.

My hands were clasped tightly by Zack. Our parents looking at us with pride and everything at the place. In life, what can you ask more than this to be real?

Once our diplomas were in our hands, we threw our cap in the air. Pictures were taken and we definitely clicked numerous group photos and got a copy for each of us.

Happy times. 

Promises were made and people were in love and so was I.

I was in love with this boy who had worn this beautiful melodious laughter on some silly joke, the some who smiled at me warmly showing off his perfect dimples and the one who kissed me right after that terrible accident. The one who was my best friend but we realised we weren't just best friends.

We were best friends who were in love with each other.

"I LOVE YOU ZACK" I yelled cheerily as I hugged him tightly.

"I Love you too Cherry." He laughed kissing the top of my head and just like that I was content.



I hope you all have enjoyed this story.

I shall see you with another story next time.



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