Chapter Twenty-Five

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Fair warning: Things gonna get a lil spicy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I stood in Barry's lab along with Cisco, Caitlin, Barry, and Joe as we all stared at the decayed corpse on the table.

"This isn't possible." Caitlin said as Cisco walked up to her, showing her the iPad.

"I ran the DNA test twice, Caitlin." Cisco said as I shook my head in disbelief. Was it really true? "It's a perfect match."

"This can't be real." I said, walking over to the glowing table. I felt Barry's hand squeeze mine as I continued to stare at the decaying body.

"This is the real body of Harrison Wells." Joe said as everyone surrounded the table. I choked out a cry of disbelief.

"E-Everything we have done for him. . . Everything he has done for us. . . Was it all just a lie?" I asked, looking up at Barry, who had complete betrayal written on his face.

"If this is the real body of Harrison Wells. . ." Cisco said, turning to Caitlin. "Who have we been working with this whole time?"

"Dr. McGee said after the accident Wells changed into a completely different person. . ." Caitlin muttered.

"That's because he was." I finished as everyone slowly nodded, succumbing to the truth.

It was true. The real Harrison Wells was dead, laying before us in a burnt mess, decaying alone next to a highway.

Who was the Harrison Wells we grew to trust?


"Cisco what is this?" I asked as we all stood by the monitors.

"After the accelerator exploded, I built a 3D model of S.T.A.R. Labs so I could pinpoint what caused the malfunction." Cisco answered as Barry frowned.

"And you never ran a test?" He asked as Cisco shrugged.

"Of course I did. I just never had a reason to look at any areas... outside of the pipeline or the cortex." Cisco replied as I sighed.

"It's a big building. Plenty of places for this imposter to hide something." I said as everyone nodded.

"What is that?" Caitlin asked as she pointed at the screen, where a small rectangular area glowed and beeped.

"That shouldn't be there." Cisco said as he stood up, all of us following him as we ran to where the room was.

"Barry I don't trust this." I muttered as I felt his hand snake into mine again, ending with me squeezing it tightly.

"I'm picking up more activity around here. . . Tachyons." Cisco said as I released my hand from Barry, allowing him to feel the wall.

Something inside my mind triggered, like major deja-vu, but I quickly suppressed it as an opening in the wall appeared, startling Barry.

"Before we enter. I need to tell you all something." Cisco said as we all turned to him. "I've been. Having these dreams. But they feel so real. Like they happened."

"What happens in the dreams, Cisco?" I ask as his eyes start to water, turning to me.

"We were working on the containment cell for the Reverse Flash. . . And Dr. Wells says he's the reverse flash and- and. . . He kills us." I felt my heart stop as I turned to Barry, who remained speechless as his hand snatched mine, like he was afraid to let it go.

"W-we can talk about this later. I need to know what's in here." Cisco said as all of us nodded, walking in as the room lit up to reveal a brail-like pattern on the wall.

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