Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4.

Gabriella's POV

Somebody started slapping me on the face and tickling me.
"Stop!" I mumbled burring my face in my pillow.
"C'mon mamma!" Blake yelled in my ear.
"Shh, mommy's sleeping." I mumbled.
"Mommy, c'mon wake up, we are going to the playground!" Blaze said.
"Ugh!" I said and got up. "I'm going to get dressed, wait for me in the living room."
"Okay." Twins said and run out of the room.

I shook my head at them and put on my black skinny jeans, blue tank top and blue converse. I washed my face and my teeth and put my long hair in a messy pony tail.

I walked in the living room and saw Christian and Blaze talking while Blake stayed quite just listening to them.
"I'm ready." I said.
"Finally!" Blaze said and dragged Blake to the car.
"Blake doesn't talk much?" Christian asked.
"Yeah, he's like you, just talking to the people he's comfortable with." I said.
I walked toward Christian's car and saw twins in the back already waiting for us. I sat in the front as Christian sat in the driver's seat.
"Ready boys?" Christian asked.
"Let's go!" Blaze yelled while Blake stayed quite. Christian smiled at them and started the car.

After ten minutes Christian stopped the car.
"We're here."
"Yay!" Blake and Blaze got out of the car and started running towered the playground.
"Careful!" I yelled behind them. Me and Christian sat on the bench while watching twins play on the slide.
"I can't believe I'm a dad." Christian said. "what if I'm a bad dad? Of course I'm a bad dad, they don't even know I'm their father!"
"Don't worry Christian, they will love you, they are warming up to you." I said.
"Please call me Chris." I just nodded. I'm not gonna call him Chris, he's not my Chris anymore, he's just Christian father of my kids.

"Mommy, Chris can you push us?" Blaze asked. I stood up and walked behind Blake and started pushing him, Christian started pushing Blaze and they started screaming and yelling "higher!" I laughed with them. I hear a deep laughter and saw Christian laughing and looking at the twins with eyes full of happiness and amusement. If I told anybody about this moment, nobody would believe that the ruthless alpha is smiling and laughing. I miss this side of him, I was little bit afraid that he would be quite and cold toward the twins but he surprised me. He looks like eighteen year boy I use to know, or at least think I knew. Sometimes I wish he didn't do that to, I wish I told him about pregnancy, I wish we got married after the high school, I wish he was there during the pregnancy, I wish to wake up in his arm. I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts and kept pushing Blake.


"What ice cream do you all want?" Christian asked twins.
"Chocolate and chocolate also for Blake." Blaze said.
"Two chocolate ice creams, vanilla and strawberry." Christian said to the guy behind the counter. I smiled, he remembered my favorite ice cream.
"Anything else?" Christian gave him money.
"No." The ice cream guy gave us our ice cream and we walk out of the ice cream shop. Me and Christian followed the twins to the bench, we all sat down, twins in the middle.
"So whats you favorite colour?" Christian asked twins.
"Mine is blue and Blake's is green." Blaze answered him.
"What is your favorite toy?"
"Two teddy bears mamma gave us." Christian look at me. I just shook my head. Christian bought me those two teddy bears.
"Favorite food?"
"Mine are pancakes and Blake's is pizza." Blaze said.
"When is their birth day?" Christian asked me.
"October the fifth." I said. "Blake at the 3.15 p.m. and Blaze at 3.23 p.m."
"So Blake is older." Christian said.
"Only by eight minutes!" Blaze quickly said. I giggled at him, he always gets annoyed when people mention him being the younger one.
"Still I'm older." Blake snicker at Blaze's face. Christian smiled at him.
"You're both still little." Christian tickled them both and they started laughing and screaming for my help. I giggled at the sight. Christian put them both on his shoulders. Blake on his right and Blaze on his right.
"Don't drop them!" I warned him. He just laughed at me and started walking towards the car.
"Do you want to drive?" Christian asked twins.
"Yes!" Blake yelled. Both me and Christian look at him in surprise and he blushed.
"Aw." I said and kissed him all over his face. He giggled.
"What about me mummy?" Blaze gave me a puppy dog look. I smiled at him and kissed him.
"I want to go first." Blaze said.
"No, I'm!" Blake said.
"I said first!"
"I was born first!"
"Okay okay! Stop!" I said
"Fine!" Blaze said dramatically and sat in the passenger seat.
"That's my seat mister!" I said and put Blaze on my lap. Christian sat in the driver's seat and put Blake on his lap.

Five minutes later I'm screaming in terror and Blake and Blaze are screaming in joy.
"Look mommy I'm driving!" Blake said.
"Control the wheel stupid!" I screamed at Christian who's laughing his ass off.
"I want to drive now!" Blaze yelled. Christian stopped the car and we changed the twins I put Blake on my lap and Christian started driving again with Blaze controlling the wheel. The screaming begin.

"We are never doing this again!" I screamed at Christian.
"They have to learn how to drive." Christian said.
"They are only four!" I yelled at him. "teach them to ride a bike!"
"You're so boring." Christian said.
I can't believe we finally made it to the pack house.
"Thank God!" I yelled.

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