59. Trick-or-Treat, Meet-and-Greet

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2 days to Halloween

"Please review this then sign and date at the bottom. It's a list of rules that you're expected to follow."

Because her hands were full, Mazie laid down her belongings to sign the form presented to her by an elderly nurse with circular bifocals and bangs teased to 80s era heights. She was pretty sure this was the woman she spoke to on the phone earlier to ensure Demi's family placed her on the permitted visitor's list. This psych ward, though fairly open and lax, only allowed one visitor at a time if not an immediate family member. For that reason, both she and Christian agreed that she should be the one to visit Demi as she would probably be most comfortable with her.

"Thank you," the nurse said, reviewing the form behind the glass divider before filing it away in a blue manila folder on the desk. "Have you ever been here before?" She asked.

"No ma'am," she spoke loudly so that the nurse could hear her.

"You'll go through this first locked entrance after I unlock it for you. Then the door has to seal and lock again before you can go through the second entrance. One of the nurses will meet you on the other side to escort you to the visiting room. If you're party is not there, we will inform them of your arrival but we cannot force them to meet with you," she explained.

Picking up her gifts for Demi, she nodded and smiled. "Thank you."

Mazie entered the hospital bearing gifts. She bought Demi a potted plant in a soft wicker basket because she wasn't permitted to bring flowers in a glass vase. Plus, she thought Demi might enjoy tending to a plant and keeping it alive. She also bought Joanna Gaines' new magazine, a Vogue magazine, and a beauty magazine. For some light reading, Mazie wrapped up her favorite worn romance novel with butcher paper and a Tiffany blue ribbon she located in Fe's stash. Her gift wouldn't be complete without some comfort food - a pretty box of assorted luxury chocolate truffles. Of course, she obtained permission from both her parents and the ward before purchasing the snack.

When she hopped out of the truck with all of the gifts in her arms, Christian smiled tenderly at her as if her thoughtfulness touched his hardened heart. He had said, "You're a good person, Maze. Good luck. I'll be waiting here no matter how long it takes."

She wished could go in with her, but that would suffice. It certainly bolstered her spirits to hear him say that.

Her expectations were incredibly low for the type of environment she'd encounter, and she wasn't too far off center. The white washed walls and white tile floors did little to brighten the halls or rooms. The green tinted lightbulb cast unsettling gloom that she couldn't shake off. Surprisingly, there were few hospital personnel roaming the halls, and it was rather quiet. They passed rooms on the left and right of the hall, some with doors open, others closed. The same light green heavy drapes and matching blankets decorated every room and bed. From what she could see, the rooms were devoid of personal touches, save a book on a side table, plants on the windowsill, get wells cards pinned to the wall, and slippers by the bedside. Each room had two beds but they were clearly not at capacity.

"You're visiting Demi, correct?" The nurse who escorted her asked. She wore the same green toned scrubs and a white sweater. She wondered what was up with that monotonous color choice.

"Yes," Mazie answered, pulling away from her internal musings.

"That's good. You're her first visitor if I'm not mistaken and I believe she's already waiting for you. Speaking of..." At a four-way intersection, the nurse motioned to the left and pointed to two open glass doors. "She's right in there. By the windows."

"Thanks," she mumbled, wishing the nurse would walk her all the way inside. She hesitated a moment before squaring her shoulders and heading towards the girl curled up in a chair by the windows. The remaining sunlight of the evening hour shone upon her in honey colored strokes over her dark chestnut locks of hair that hung naturally around her face and down her shoulders. Her face was bare of makeup. Her head was tilted back until she heard Mazie approach. "Hi," Mazie whispered.

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