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Blake POV

I get woken up by movement in my bed.

I groan annoyed, if it's Jake again I'm going to rip his hair out.

Something presses against my chest and I open my eyes.

When I open my eyes I see two doors, I stare at them in confusion. I look around more and a mirror is on the ceiling, I see someone laying next to me and I look down shocked.

Her scent suddenly becomes apparent and I notice my arms wrapped around her.

I stare at her in shock, why am I here?

Unwrapping my arms from her I slowly try to get up, trying not to wake her.

But she wraps her arm around my waist tightly, stopping me.

I freeze mentally growling. Why won't she let go.

I lift her arm up, roll out of her reach and wrap her arm back around a pillow. I get up and quietly walk out of the room.

I get in the hallway and release a deep breath.

I go downstairs, walk to the training room, and punch the hell out of the punching bag.


Rose POV

Opening my eyes I notice I'm hugging a pillow. I hug it tighter breathing in it's scent.

I freeze recognizing the smell. I notice that it's all over the room.

Then I remember what happened last night, Blake came into my room last night.

I sit up looking around but he's not here.

Getting up I walk downstairs into the kitchen and Jake is there cooking.

I smile creeping up behind him.

But before I could scare him he turns around suddenly and scares me.

I jump, gasping and he laughs.

"You can't scare me kitten, I heard you walking down the stairs." He smiles.

I huff.

He wraps his arms around my waist and chuckles.

"I'm sorry for scaring you kitten" he pats my head.

"It's ok-" I get cut off by Blake walking into the kitchen dripping with sweat and getting water out of the fridge.

He walks out as fast as he came in. Didn't even spare a glance at us.

"Just ignore him" Jake says as we hear him slam the front door closed.

"What are you making?, I'm hungry" I look up smiling at him.

He chuckles "I made crepes hopefully you like them"

I nod excitedly.

We start to eat quietly.

"Hey Jake?"

He hums looking at me.

"I don't know if it was just my imagination but I remember Blake coming in my room last night and holding me,"

Jake raises his eyebrow.

"But when I woke up this morning he wasn't there."

"That would explain why he was training when I woke up. He usually is in the office by the time I wake up."

I hum nodding my head.

I hear Jake whine and I look at him questioningly.

"It's not fair you guys got to sleep together and I had to sleep alone." He picks up our plates and washes them in the sink.

I laugh getting up and standing next to him.

"Maybe tonight we could sleep together?" I look down shyly.

He shuts the water off and turns to me.

"Really?" He asks excitedly.

I nod my head slowly looking at him.

He lifts me and places me on the counter.

I gasp placing my hands on his shoulders.

"You can't take it back, you already said we could." He looks at me seriously.

I chuckle nervously, "On second thought maybe another day"

"Nope, you already said we could, no takebackses" he wraps his arms around me pulling me towards his chest and hugging me tightly.

I hug him back smiling.


I've been browsing through Netflix not knowing what to watch for the past hour.

After we finished breakfast Jake had to do his alpha duties and told me I could do whatever I wanted except leave the house.

It's been nine hours, I've been repeating going on my phone, watching tv, walking around the house. I even made dinner and brownies.

I decide to go to his office.

As soon as I get to the door I get excited and feel my heart speeding up.

I lightly knock and don't hear an answer so I creek the door open slightly and peak in.

Jake is sitting at his desk his brows furrowed and a pen between his lips.

Even the sight of him takes my breath away.

Looking to the left I see that Blake is also here sitting at his desk.

I look back to where Jake is and I open the door enough for me to walk in.

Looking around I spot a couch at the opposite wall in the middle.

Closing the door behind me I walk over to the couch and sit.

I look up at Jake to see if he noticed me but he is still staring intently at his paperwork.

I stand up and walk behind his chair placing my hands on his shoulders.

He whips his head to the side quickly and notices it is me and he places his hand on top of mine.

I lean down and whisper in his ear "I thought you said I couldn't scare you" I smirk.

He growls and turns his chair to face me, picks me up and places me on his lap so I'm straddling him.

I yelp and giggle hugging him.

"I'm gonna get you back for that" he lowly growls in my ear, gently bitting it.

I groan wrapping my arm around his neck and the other tangled in his hair.

I look straight ahead and see that Blake is staring straight at me his eyes flashing between hazel and yellow.

I lower my head to Jakes neck not breaking eye contact with Blake and start kissing his neck slowly earning a groan from Jake.

I see Blake's hands go to the armrests and is fiercely gripping them.

His eyes spending more time flashing yellow than hazel.

I start sucking on Jakes neck earning more groans as he grips my hips stopping them from grinding against him that I now realize I was doing.

I whine as I try to move my hips again but his grip tightens.

"Kitten-" Jake gets cut off as we hear a deep growl and a crash.


Hey y'all I'm so sorry for the long wait 🥺

But what do you think is going to happen next?

Don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter and comment, I wanna hear your thoughts on what's happening, or if you wish something would be different.

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