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Walking into the foyer is like stepping back in time. The buttercream color on the walls is exactly as I remember it, and the grooves of the hardwood floor are as familiar as the lines on the palm of my hand. But it's the small changes that make my heart twinge. New photographs have been hung. A turquoise-patterned rug I've never seen decorates the hallway. I spent so much time here when I was with Ty; it felt like home. Seeing the little updates they've made to the house makes me realize how much I've missed.

It takes all my concentration to keep my chin from wobbling. I'm not about to dump my emotional baggage on Lucia. She has more than enough to deal with already.

"Mama, look who's here to see you. She brought your favorite cookies, too," Gianna says as I trail her into the living room.

Lucia's sitting on the couch, legs curled underneath her. She's staring at the television screen, blanket draped over her shoulders. Her shiny dark hair is shorter than the last time I saw her. It's cut in a bob, and she's pushed the strands back behind her ears. She glances over at me, and her umber-colored eyes light up with a smile.

"Quinn! Get your darling butt in here and give this old lady a hug." Lucia pushes herself off the sofa and holds out her arms. A bandage covers her throat, and she looks a little tired. But otherwise, she's the same Lucia I've always known, charismatic and full of life.

Gianna takes the cookies from me and sets them on the coffee table before sitting in the plush leather armchair next to the fireplace.

"Lucia, how are you?" I'm careful as I put my arms around her, not wanting to hurt her.

"I'm just fine." Lucia pulls back and wags a finger at me. "Now, none of this nonsense. I'm not made of glass. I want a real hug." She squeezes me tight, and I laugh, hugging her back. "That's more like it," she says.

She sits back on the sofa and pats the cushion next to her. "Come, tell me what's new with you, so I'll stop watching this rubbish." She motions toward the television where Married at First Sight is playing. "I got hooked on it while I was in the hospital, and now I'm too invested to quit."

"Nothing new here," I say. "I'm still working on my nutrition certification and teaching classes for Giselle." My entire world has imploded in the past week, but I didn't come here to talk about myself and my problems.

Lucia's always been able to see right through me. She narrows her eyes like she doesn't believe me, but she lets it slide. "Well, it sounds like you're staying as busy as ever. And you look beautiful. So healthy."

"Thank you." I smile feebly. It feels wrong that I should get to be healthy when she hasn't been. I'm used to being the person struggling with illnesses. Being on the other side is unfamiliar territory. "I'm so sorry I didn't reach out sooner," I say. "I had no idea you were sick."

Lucia sighs and shakes her head. "That son of mine. I told him I didn't want everyone to know, but I assumed he knew you were an exception. You're practically part of the family." She looks to Gianna for confirmation.

Gianna bobs her head. "That's what I kept telling him."

Hearing them say that heals a tiny piece of my heart. No matter what happens with Ty, I'll always adore his family. I hate that Lucia's been going through something this serious, and I didn't even know about it.

"I didn't want the whole town finding out I was sick and treating me like some kind of invalid." Lucia points at me. "I know you can relate to that."

I huff out a laugh. "Boy, can I ever." If Jenny Jenkins offers me her sweater again at the park tonight, my head may actually implode. The last thing I ever want to do is make Lucia feel like I see her as an illness and not the strong, capable woman she is. But I care about her so much it's killing me not to know the details about her prognosis.

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