9. No One (not even the reader) Will Miss You.

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Y/N had been correct, her protagonist armor was definitely much stronger than the spite of a couple of over-emotional teen girls, a fact that relieved Emi.

It had been a few weeks since Y/N had her falling out with Homura, and now most of the bullies had forgotten why they were even picking on Y/N and Emi but continued to do so anyway because it was good fun.

Even though Y/N had done her best to keep a vigilant watch over Emi, (which isn't saying much considering that she's Y/N in a Yandere x Reader and she almost always sucks at vigilance,) there were still times when she found herself unable to protect Emi.

In those instances, Emi would be subjected to twice the torment she normally would have gone through, (considering that the bullies found themselves unable to cause any harm to Y/N and needed someone to vent their terribly-managed anger on.) And Emi was the perfect target.

It was all that abuse that eventually led Emi to be standing on the roof of the school, graey clouds hanging drearily in the sky, to greater depict the depth of her unhappiness. Despite what you may think, Emi was actually quite a tender and gentle person with a fragile heart.

"Why do they all hate me?..." She asked the overcast sky. "It's not my fault that the person who wrote me made me vanilla and unoriginal... So why do I as a character receive all the hate for the way I was made...?"

"Because Mary Sue's like you don't have the right to exist," A cold voice spoke from one of the convent shadows on the roof. "You are a bigot; a representation and reinforcement of all the worst elements of not just this, but any genre."

Emi whirled around, her hair fluttering in the draft like the hair of every horror movie actress ever. A figure emerged from the shadows. His skin was so pale that Emi at first mistook him for a ghost.

His dark hair fell over his eyes as he advanced towards her and Emi took an instinctive step backward, only to find herself inconveniently backed up against the edge of the school roof with nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. (What convenient staging, it is almost as though the author is setting the scene for Oyama to push Emi off the roof.)

"W-who are you?" Emi asked, her voice trembling from both fear and sadness. "W-what do you want?''

"My name is Oyama," he said, glaring at Emi with the coldest eyes she had ever seen. "And what I want is simple; I want you dead."

"W-what?! But why?!" Emi gasped, completely taken aback by his words. Sure, lots of fans wanted to see her character archetype die, and yes, her bullies did make cruel jokes about her killing herself, but she had never heard someone state so plainly that they wanted her dead. "What did I ever do to you?!"

"You, spend far too much time with my treasured blossom Y/N," The yandere said, very obviously stalking closer to Emi. "Along with getting in the way of me and her being together, it was the influence of your character archetype on pre-pubescent authors that made the standard Y/N in Yandere x Readers so bland, and for that, you must die."

"B-But I-I never meant to," Emi said as kawaii tears formed in her eyes. The mention of Oyama's infatuation with Y/N flee completely over Emi's head, don't want her to realize that Oyama is Y/N's stalker and tell the oblivious heroine prematurely. "Even if she is a bit generic, Y/N is my friend."

"If you really saw her as your friend you would have killed yourself years ago," Oyama scoffed, crossing his arms. "Only when the out-of-date, over-used cliche that you are is finally dead, will the genre be free of cliche Y/N's. Even Mary Sues aren't being written like you anymore, that's how old you are."

"I may be nothing more than a collection of dying cliches, but if I was gone, who's to say that different, but equally as bad cliches would take my place?!" Emi exclaimed. "BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I'M STILL BETTER THAN SOME OF THE NEW CLICHES! Like the heroine who doesn't need a man's help for anything, (even though she's too short to get something off the top shelf.) At least I know how to say 'please' and 'thank you,' and acknowledge that I can't do everything by myself. I may be straight, but at least my sexuality isn't my sole defining character trait like the gay best friend of the Female Lead who only exists because the author is trying to represent ✨diversity✨ but is too lazy to put anything into the character beyond who he likes to fuck."

Emi glared right back at Oyama and balled her hands into fists. "It doesn't matter if the whole genre thinks I'm out-dated. I have my friends and they will always support me, cliche or not because that's what friends do!!"

"Oh my dear, I'm afraid that you're in the wrong genre," Oyama laughed mockingly. "This isn't some magical girl anime, where everything can be saved by 'the magic of friendship'. You are going to die, and the best part is that I won't even have to kill you, the yandere fandom is already doing it for me."

Emi looked down at her body and saw to her horror that her hands and feet were starting to turn into sakura petals, (Master Oogway Style.) Weak nostalgia was all that was holding Emi's tropes together, and it was no longer enough. She was disappearing.

"Now I don't have to dirty my hands and you still die - but I still will!" Oyama suddenly lunged forward and shoved Emi in the stomach, sending her toppling over the edge of the roof. (Wow, whoever would have guessed? Such a great plot twist.)

The yandere sighed in contentment, another rival was out of the picture, and he was completely unaffected from pushing someone off a roof. "Well, now that the over-used cliche is dead, the nameless bullies I encouraged have served their purpose, which means that I can go ahead and kill them too, (for daring to bully my treasured blossom death is the only logical punishment.)"


Someone requested that I draw our yandere Oyama, (or Yama Yama as some of you call him,) so here he is.

Let me know if there are any other characters you want me to draw, and,

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Until Next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

My Treasured Blossom [Classic Yandere Boy x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now