Chapter 29: Milkshake

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"So…where is my cake?" 

"Jasper sweetie. Rise and shine!" Molly's voice can be heard through the door. As he opens his eyes, all thoughts of the previous night return to Jasper's mind with a vengeance. What he and Thomas said and did, made Jasper feel a whole new level of emotion, but then it was halted by the rude interruption. He didn't want to face Molly or his uncle ever again, but knew he had to walk out that door at some point. He rubs his stomach, feeling a mild stomach ache, but unfortunately not enough to warrant a day in bed.

Jasper drags out getting ready for as long as he can before finally gathering all his strength to turn the handle and leave the bedroom. He sees no one on the landing and breathes out a small sigh of relief as he begins to tread lightly down the stairs.

As he enters the kitchen, Jasper sees the back of Molly at the stove, stirring the usual pan of porridge, he slides into the bench seat and waits quietly. Molly turns around and jumps back slightly in surprise to see Jasper seemingly appear out of nowhere. "Oh! You scared me!" She comments, placing a hand to her chest, glancing at Jasper's face before looking elsewhere. She clears her throat, saying, "Let me get your porridge." Before turning around and grabbing a nearby bowl and spooning some porridge into it. She turns back around and places the bowl in front of Jasper, before getting one for herself and sitting opposite him.

Jasper had never really been a conversationalist in the early hours of the morning, but the intense silence in the kitchen this morning was really noticable and uncomfortable. But when he heard the next sentence leave Molly's mouth, he wished again for silence. "You know, it's very normal for a young man of your age to masturbate, you shouldn't feel embarrassed." 

Jasper's porridge instantly gets stuck in his throat, causing him to cough to the point that one of his eyes waters a little. His uncle now enters the kitchen and begins to slap his large hand against Jasper's back, causing more pain than comfort. 

"Ok there lad?" He asks, looking over Jasper's shoulder to check his face. Jasper nods and just about managed to contain his splutters, in the hope that his uncle would stop beating his back senseless. 

His uncle stops the heavy slaps and heads around the table to the stove, helping himself to some porridge, before sitting back next to Jasper, who had thankfully recovered from his coughing fit. 

The table is again silent, with only the sound of spoons clattering against bowls as everyone gets on with eating their breakfast. 

Jim looks at Jasper who is hurrying down his porridge as if he's never eaten before in his life. Jim smiles to himself. "I see you've worked up a bit of an appetite there."

Jasper nods, hurriedly shoveling in the porridge in a desperate attempt to leave the kitchen table as soon as possible. 

"I remember being your age. horny 24/7! I could have won a medal at the Olympics." 

Jasper feels like he is going to die. His face is getting redder by the second and his body feels hot. "Ok, thanks for breakfast. Molly I'll wait for you in the car." He gets up abruptly from his seat and hurridly puts on his boots and heads out of the side door. 

Jasper waits in the passenger seat of the four by four, for Molly, thinking of last night once again. Thomas, their confession, what they did. Jasper had never done that before with a guy but it seemed so natural, so right. He couldn't quite understand what was happening to him but one thing was for sure. He liked it, he wanted more. The feeling Thomas gave him was new, unmatched and Jasper knew this was something special.

Thomas had mentioned swinging by Molly's stall today and that excited Jasper most of all. To see Thomas. Not because he wanted physical pleasure, though it wouldn't be unwelcome, but because he just wanted to spend time with him. 

Jasper's mind snaps back to reality when the window is knocked forcibly, with his uncle gesturing for Jasper to get out and help with loading the car with the goods ready for sale. Jasper exits the car and is grateful for the silence gracing his ears as the last few cake boxes are placed on the back seat.

Once packed up, Jasper gets back into the passenger seat and braces himself for the journey to the town's farmers market. Molly gets in the driver's seat and to his relief turns on the car's radio, as Jasper stares out of his window, hoping Molly gets the hint, which to his relief, she does.


"Sweetie, can you pass me three more strawberry pots from the box?" Molly instructs Jasper, pointing to an opened cardboard box by his feet. Jasper looks down and pulls out the needed pots of jam and places them on the wooden market stall table. 

Jasper didn't really know what to expect from minding a stall of cakes and jams. Maybe he thought it would be a bit of a jolly holiday, not as hard as working in the fields or chopping down tree logs, but it was actually really mentally hard and Jasper was fed up with smiling and being courteous to strangers all morning. His face physically ached and all he wanted to do was to lie down. 

The market was slowly drawing to a close and they had very few products left to sell. Jasper looks in the box under the table, pulling out the last few items when he hears "No cake for me?" Jasper recognises the voice straight away and his stomach instantly fills with a swirl of excitement. 

"Tom. You're back from your camping trip!" Molly exclaims, walking around the stall to give her brother a hug. 

"Hey Mol, yeah I got back last night." Thomas now spots Jasper over Molly's shoulder as they glance at each other knowingly. He gets released from the hug and looks at the stall. "So…where is my cake?" 

Molly smiles, looking at the few remaining items on sale. "I need to sell these really, but…" she pulls some cash from her money belt. "Why don't you take my helper for a milkshake. He's been working non stop." 

Thomas takes the money and looks again at Jasper. "You wanna go get a milkshake?" 

"Sure." Jasper replies, trying to sound indifferent in his voice, but inside he felt very fluttery and low key excited! Thomas however does pick up on Jasper's reaction and sends a covert wink Jasper's way. Jasper now needs to leave before Molly catches on. 

Once around the corner Thomas starts to speak. "I can't stop thinking about last night." He says loud enough only for Jasper to hear. 

"Me neither," Jasper blushes slightly, recalling events. "It's a shame I had to share it with uncle and Molly." Jasper chuckles "I've already had the awkward conversation about how it's normal to masurbate."

Thomas laughs, looking at Jasper. "Seriously? I wonder what they would have said if they saw me there too?" 

Jasper shrugs. "Well..I guess we were doing nothing wrong, I mean we are over 16 and…" Jasper looks at Thomas smiling slyly. "It doesn't matter that you're not a girl." 

Thomas half chuckles at the innocent remark "No it doesn't" he agrees.

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