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Emperor x Rider

• How they got together is when Rider was stranded out in the rain and so was Emperor.
(They enjoyed one another's company)

• Since Rider is fascinated by learning a weapons performance, Emperor is teaching him how Dullies work. 

• They have a difficult time getting on the same topic but they find ways to do something fun together.

• Emperor gets Jealous very easily, he Hates it when someone gets to affectionate toward Rider.

• Rider can sleep in for many hours but Emperor wants to feel loved so he 'accidentally' knocks Rider out of bed.

• Rider is an assistant for Sheldon. Emperor will come over and just strike up a conversation while Rider works. (Throwing flirts once in a while)

• They both enjoy warm weather, and will take a trip to a get away. (On a beach or in a new city)

• Rider cooks (from the help of Army's manual) since Emperor isn't the greatest chief, yet.

• Rider has a difficult time sleeping but that's a chance for Emperor to scoop up and cuddle with Rider.

• Rider trains with the monarchs as Emperor watches and gives motivation from the stands, cheering his boyfriend on.

Remember you can always ask for a ship or head canon in the comments. It's always open even if you already asked for one.

Vintage x Emperor

• Emperor volunteers to teach Vintage more and more about Turf war and Vintage teaches Emperor more and more about Ranked battles.

• Emperor knows Vintage loves spicy foods so he goes out and hires the best people to make Vintage a spicy meal.

• Emperor can purposely get Vintage annoyed, then he'll pretend nothing happened and give him kisses.

• Vintage took a lot of convincing for him to go on a date with Emperor.

• Emperor loves to spoil Vintage and would want affection all the time.

• Vintage turns into a squid and sometimes sleeps on Emperors lap.

• Emperor drinks black coffee and lets Vintage have some but he doesn't like it. 'To bitter'

• Both snuggle when they sleep, but neither one knows they do it.

• They both have a liking in ramen.

• Emperor would wake up early just so he can try and prepare breakfast for Vintage.

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