Day 16

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I woke up early this time.

I need to find out what is happening to my friends. Everyone but me is silent. They don't speak to each other, they just don't talk at all. That makes me even more curious. What happened to them. I got up from my bed. In my dorm, there are only 2 bunk beds. I sleep on the bottom while Kayla is on the top. Then on the other bunk bed is two other girls. I quietly get out of bed and put my sneakers on. I grab a jacket too and put the hood on so no one can see my face. I go to the door and turn the handle.

It's locked? I guess they knew I found out. I thought. Alright Plan B. I looked around the room. There's got to be a vent around here somewhere. I looked down. I went and checked under the bunk. 

"Gotcha" I whispered. I crawled under and started removing the vent lid. Once it popped off, I started crawling to the Medical Center. Once I got there I waited. Of course, one of the doctors should come out. Once they do, I'll quickly jump in before the door closes. So I waited. And waited. And waited. After what seemed like a lifetime, finally, there was a beep. I looked through the vent and saw the same doctor from yesterday. I quickly opened the vent lid and hopped down then waited behind the door for him to come out. 

He opened the door and luckily started walking the opposite way from which I was standing. I grabbed the door handle before the door closed and walked into the Medical Center. I grabbed something to keep the door open for a while and went right to work. I looked at everything but, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then something caught my eye. By the back wall was a made-up wall of tarp hanging to hide an entrance to something else. But, what could be that something else. I walked towards it when I then heard footsteps

I hid behind one of the pillars in the room and waited for the person to disappear. Then, I walked through the tarp and was horrified at what I saw. Many bodies are on tables. People who look exactly like zombies and others who look regular. They were all unconscious. What is happening here? Are they doing what I think they're doing? I thought. I hoped it wasn't what I think they were doing. I looked around more and found a computer with one of the data files opened. I checked it and it was exactly what I thought it was. These people were making the zombies!? We got to leave this place!

I instantly ran from there. I ran out the tarp and through the door making sure no one knew I was in there in the first place. I jumped up to the vent and closed the lid before I crawled back to my door. I grabbed the vent lid and popped it back on before crawling from under my bunk bed. The other girls in the room looked at me for a second they continued doing what they were doing, unbothered by my existence. 

I walked over to Kayla. I then looked at her arms to see if they put anything in her. That's when I saw something I haven't seen before. There was a pink little light shining. I don't know what it is but, it wasn't in there before. I pinched Kayla's arm to see if she'll react. She looked up at me. No emotion showed on her face. I grabbed my pocket knife from my back pocket. I aimed the knife and I sliced a sliver of her skin and picked the pink light out. Once the head of the light was out, I put my pocket knife back in my pocket and pulled the unknown object.

Once the object was out, Kayla went back to her old self. 

"Where are we?" She asked then looked around. "Oh, we're in our dorm? How did I get here?" 

I showed her the light. "Those doctors put this in you. You've been acting like a mindless zombie for almost a week. These people are not who they say they are." I told her. I pointed to the other girls in the dorm. "They are acting just like you were. Everyone is acting that way."

"Even Nick and KJ. They got those little lights in them as well?" Kayla asked.

I nod.

"Who are these people?"

"I did some looking around this morning. I went to the Medical Center and I saw some things I didn't think I would see. Those doctors are the people who are making the zombies." I tell her.

Kayla gasped. "Are you serious?! We thought we were rescued by a rescue team though. Who rescued us then?" Kayla questioned.

"I don't know. But, I found out yesterday when I talked with Dr. White if that's actually her real name. Tomorrow, I'm getting those things out of Nick and KJ."

"What do we do after that?" Kayla asked

"We escape."

The Survivedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें