F O R T Y - F I V E

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Hey guys! Hope everyone's doing well. Here's the next chapter. Things will be getting interesting VERY SOON. The book is sorta kinda coming to a close! Anything you want to see before it's done?

Xx alexia

After lots of deliberation among Grayson, Axel, Cole, and some of the head pack warriors, everyone has agreed to let another coven member onto pack lands. I wasn't in the room for the discussion, but by the sour looks on the warrior's faces when they left the meeting room, they were not comfortable or happy with the situation. But, what their Alpha says is final, so they at least pretend to be okay with the order.

I do understand where they're coming from- all of their interactions with coven members have been unpleasant. However, they don't know Eli like I do. They don't know about all of the ways he has tried to protect me since he made that one decision to harm me for the coven. In the case of Elle, I trust her because Eli trusts her. Hopefully we can get to know each other more in the coming weeks before the coven plans to come for me.

I still don't have any details on when the magic-wielders will try to kill me, which is not a great feeling. The unknown creeps in the back of my mind, haunting me with each breath I take. Of course I fear for my own life, but what really upsets me is the idea of those that I care about risking their lives for me. Grayson is bringing in his pack members to protect me- this includes Cooper, Axel, Cole, and Madeline. I've learned to care for them all immensely, and I get sick to my stomach just thinking of them getting hurt while protecting me.

It's frustrating being the only human surrounded by supernaturals. My boyfriend is a werewolf. My friend is a warlock. I'll always be the weak link.

I'm just grateful that Eli and Elle have agreed to help me. Since the meeting just ended, Eli is now texting Elle that she can portal into the pack house directly. I can feel Grayson's uneasiness through our bond. I intertwine our hands and give him a small smile. He squeezes my hand as we wait in the living room which has been cleared of all non-essential pack members. 

Grayson is over-preparing for Elle's arrival. There are ten pack guards in the room besides us and Eli, all to "ensure my safety." Does he honestly expect one witch to portal in and kill everyone? A witch who has already agreed to help me?

I internally roll my eyes at the precautions, but I don't say anything because I know he only acts like this because he cares. The room is silent as we wait for the beginnings of a portal to appear. 

"I just texted her. She should be here any second," Eli says, his voice breaking through the tense silence. Grayson's hand tightens ever-so-slightly on mine, the only outward sign of his growing anxiety. Otherwise, he looks like a stone statue- pursed lips, strong jawline, impressive posture- unmoving. The pack warriors adjust their stance. Eli's words bring the reality of the situation to the forefront of their minds.

We wait one minute, then two, then a third. By the fourth minute, the tension in the room becomes stifling. I have a feeling that Elle should have been here by now. The fact that she has yet to make an appearance puts pressure on Eli, who looks all-too worried that he will be beaten to a pulp once again. 

Grayson clears his throat after the fifth minute passes, his eyes swirling between black and silver. 

"Where is she? You told me she would portal to you, yet she hasn't graced us with her presence yet." There's a clear warning in his tone- find her or else you're in trouble. Eli immediately dials her number. The faint sound of ringing pierces the air, everyone waiting for Elle to answer. But she doesn't.

Eli looks up frantically. He knows he's surrounded and weak. "Look, I told her to portal straight to me like you asked. She'll probably be here any second-"

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