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" Esha, tell your sister not to move so much. For some reason, she listens to you more even when all you tell her is goo goo and gaa gaa!" Faiqa caressed her baby bump and told a three month old Eshal who was laying down in a Moses basket and looking at her with all the wonder in her big grey eyes.

" Ammi, you're so silly! Esha can't speak yet " Musa who was colouring his numbers and alphabets sheets, looked up at his Ammi and sister and informed her.

" Achaa! I'm silly? And why is that?" Faiqa asked her darling nephew with all the love she has for him.

" B'cose she's a baby! And it's my brother " Musa deadpanned.

Musa shook his head at his Ammi. She's an adult and should know everything!

Faiqa fed Musa a spoonful of her makhaane and dry-fruits tossed in desi ghee. She had developed a palate for them over the course of her pregnancy. Musa who always accompanied her had a taste once and he too has become addicted to it.

Since then, Jahara Begum always made it a point to stock up on the lotus seeds and dry-fruits in abundance for her daughter and grandson. They always have desi ghee freshly prepared every two weeks because she believes that nothing is better for health than indigenous food.

" My Moosy Moose is so smart!" Faiqa pulled his cheeks and kissed them.

Musa gave her a bright smile, his eyes shining with an intelligent glint. He loved to spend time with his Ammi and even his Qaan chachu. They're just too funny!

Faiqa and the kids were sitting in the lounge and Duaa and her mother in law were busy in the kitchen. She would have helped them, had her 9 month old belly allowed her to.

Eshal was born three months ago and has had everyone wrapped around her little finger. Especially her Baba and Qaan chachu. The boy spends every waking second around his niece.

Faiqa remembers the day when Eshal was born and how eager she was to meet her. She wasn't allowed to visit the hospital, owing to her increased susceptibility to nosocomial infections in this condition.

Eshal was born a lot earlier and easier than her brother. Duaa's labour lasted only about 3 hours and the Hamdaani princess came screaming in the world, demanding attention immediately.

She was born the most regal baby ever and her expressions were such that she expected you to bow down in her presence! Atleast that's what her tayi ammi thought.

Faiqa was waiting by the main door for Duaa and Eshal to come home and she fell in love with the little girl the moment she was laid in her arms. They've been inseparable ever since.

Eshal's coos brought her back to the present. It was an uncomfortable midsummer afternoon and she was feeling the full effect of the rise in temperature.

The air conditioner and fan of their bedroom were ineffective in providing her relief, reason why her midmorning nap was taken on the comfortable couch in the lounge. The open french windows and the cool air, courtesy the bamboo curtains which were constantly watered down; were a godsend.

" Fai, don't fill up on these, I'm bringing lunch for you in half an hour"

Duaa who came in to check up on them, handed her a glass of tomato juice. She also had to feed her daughter and assess her son's worksheet.

" But they're so good" Faiqa moaned.

" Moosy, you just had to colour upto number three, right?" Duaa asked her son confused seeing the big and purple number five and even the multicolored alphabets upto the letter C.

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