Chapter 24

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Dear Reader,

Jello people! The cute blonde in the photo is Madison Riley, from Grown Ups. To me, she's PERFECT for our sassy Ester. She's pretty-blue eyed, blonde, tall. The best girl to describe Ester. I mean, look at her face, it seems all nice, but I'm sure you could find an Ester in her somewhere..

Her song, Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson. Along with Can't hold us down by Christina Aguilera, and Big Girls Don't Cry. The reason I chose these songs, well, just look at their title, self-explanatory.

Agree or Disagree?


"You unlocked more questions." Jordan sarcastically said.

"Say what you must."

"Why make a whole new planet?"

"Things got complicated. Perishables-"

"What are Perishables?" Jordan asked, putting a voice to my thoughts.

Dad quickly recovered, "Perishables are our term for humans."

"Why?" Kyle questioned.

"Perishables, usually something that decays, or goes bad fast." Jordan defined.

Kyle dogged him, "What'd you do, eat Wikipedia?"

"I find that offensive." I said, how condescending is that?

"Humans have such a little lifeline-" Brooke began.

"How long is our lifeline then?" Aliyah spoke up.

"Anywhere between twenty to a hundred thousand years, on Perishable terms." Traci answered.

I gawk at them, "How old are you guys?"

"Over fifty-six thousand. Owen is sixty-eight thousand, six hundred and twelve, the oldest." Hope said.

We turn to Owen, who didn't look a day over thirty-five.

"Thats impossible." Dmitri stated.

"For a human. Almost every race we protect exceeds the human lifespan. So the saying 'Perishables' became associated with anyone born of the human race." Dad explained.

"It's still offensive." I said.

Dad just smiled, "As I was saying, Perishables are a selfish breed who have a never ending hunger for power. They began killing magical creatures, thinking the more they killed, the stronger they would get. Our ancestors wouldn't kill the Perishables, but they realized Earth was no longer safe. They rounded the leaders of each magical race and did one of the greatest spells ever made."

Jordan still wasn't pleased, his curiosity and thirst for knowledge taking over. "How did they get to the new planet? What's it called? How are the leaders of each magical race chosen?"

"Curious boy also. The mermaids of that time transported them. One of our powers." Dad grinned smugly. "It's called Enchantment-" chills flew down my spine, "-hard to explain why, something you need to see. Each leader of the magical race aren't simply chosen. It's the oldest one alive, and in the tragic event they die, the next oldest is the appointed leader. The angels keep their bodies young and strong, but their minds remain old and wise. Jordan, I think it's time Aliyah asked her question."

"How many kids are we expected to have?"

James, Vivi's dad, said, "Only one that must have the hybrid genes."


I bit my lip and felt courage rush through me, "I call bullshit on the breeding rule. I suck at science but Ali's a nerd. She could probably find a way to make sure all the right genes are dominant. People do it all the time. What if-"

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