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   YOU STEPPED THROUGH the painted doorway into the mess of public school. The masses of teenagers just talking in disorderly clusters perplexed you. Where was the staff? Just then a teacher stepped out of a doorway and made their way down the hall. No reprimanding. Not even shushing. You suddenly felt out of place in your plaid skirt and blazer, everyone else looked much more casual.

You awkwardly walked through the groups of people, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself. That didn't work. It seemed like everyone found you fascinating, or at least strange. You pushed through as eyes followed you down the hallway.

"Hey! Y/N!" A voice called out. You snapped your head around to see Chris Noel waving at you.

"Hi," you replied with a relieved smile to finally see someone you knew.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming here? Knox told me you got expelled, but he never told me where you'd be going. Y'know, he's been trying to talk to you."

"Yeah, well I've sorta been grounded since then," you explained.

"Oh, that sucks. Well, I'm glad to see you," she smiled.

"And it's nice for me to see a familiar face. I don't know how I feel about this. I mean, on one hand it's liberating to be out of that godawful private school, but I also don't really fit in here. I mean, I don't really know the first thing about public school, or making friends," you said, surveying the students.

"Whaddu mean? You have plenty of friends."

"That doesn't mean I'm good at making them, sometimes friendships are just circumstantial," you countered.

"Oh, stop worrying so much. You'll be fine," she patted your shoulder as you played with your sleeve. "Here, I'll give you a tip. Lose the blazer, and loosen up your hair," she nodded.

"Thanks, Chris," you smiled gratefully. "I'll see you later, I gotta go find my class."

"Alright, good luck." She returned to her large circle of friends with a beautiful grin on her face. Oh, to be Chris Noel.

You tugged off your blazer and stuffed in your backpack. You ruffled your hair, but not too much, then continued walking. Where is Charlie? You kept scanning the faces of the people. You didn't recognize anyone. You sighed and decided to just look at the room numbers on the doors until you found your class. You glanced down at your watch to see that there was only nine minutes left until class started. Maybe he was already in class? You and Charlie never talked about your classes, so there was a chance he'd be in yours.

The entrance to your left swung open to a group of a few guys. You tried to avoid them, just keeping your eyes trained on the space ahead of you. After all these years you still didn't like groups of teenage boys. Of course, there were exceptions. A small smile crept onto your face in memory of Todd and Neil, and Meeks, Pitts and Knox. You missed Violet. This would be so much more bearable if her soft smile and sparkly eyes were walking down this hallway with you.

"Y/N?" You almost ignored it, but you recognized that voice. All too well. Amidst the group of guys, there was Charlie.

"You know her?" One of the guys asked. Charlie ignored him and ran up to you. His arms encircled you and he lifted you up to spin you around. "Y/N!" he shouted, laughing. You grinned, suddenly not caring about all the eyes on you.


He pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss, but neither of you could stop smiling long enough for it to really last. He just settled for a tight hug, and you smiled into his neck.

"I don't know how many times I'm gonna tell you that I've missed you, but I don't think it'll ever be enough," he muttered, "And yes, I know it's only been a week, whatever. It was the longest week of my life."

"Me too. You have no idea," you mumbled. Once you pulled apart, Charlie grabbed your hand and started leading you down the hallway. He acted as if he'd been going to this school with you for years.

"What's your class?" you asked.

"I have science first," he groaned.

"Ah, I have Social," you sighed.

"How about second?"


"No way," he stopped and smiled widely. "Me too!"

"Great! Well, I'll look forward to that," you smiled.

Second period rolled around and you spotted Charlie in the far back corner. He was mindlessly twirling his pencil in his hand while he stared out the window. You took the seat beside him, making communication much more convenient. His eyes lit up when they saw you. You took out you books.

"Nothing's gonna compare to Keating," you stated. The teacher looked like another bald shell of a human who hated high schoolers yet somehow ended up teaching them five days a week for his entire career.

"I know, but nothing's gonna compare to Nolan either," he chuckled.

"Yeah, at least their punishment here doesn't leave kids bruised. Or so I've heard," you added.

"I'd be willing to test those rumours at some point," Charlie smirked.

"Still desperately holding on to being the resident bad boy I see?"

"I told you Y/N, It comes naturally to me," he grinned, kicking his feet up onto his desk and leaning back in his chair. You laughed and shook your head.

"Hey, you! Feet off the desk!" the teacher called from the front of the classroom. In an instant Charlie pulled his feet off the desk and onto the ground.

"Yes, naturally," you nodded sarcastically.

"Hey! I can't get expelled again," he said defensively. You just shook your head with a smile as the class began. Throughout the period you and Charlie exchanged several glances of places where the teacher just completely fell short of Keating. It was a high standard to hold teachers to, you knew that better than anyone, but it just felt like such a stark contrast.

𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒎.


Hiiii, I kinda lost motivation for this over summer and then school got tough, but this is the next chapter, and I hope anyone who still remembers this book enjoys it. I love you all very very much and just know that every vote and comment makes my day <3

- s.

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