Day One

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The morning had come, and surprisingly, the night-owl Y/N was the first to wake. She drowsily made her way to the washroom before recounting the previous night's drama.

"What do you mean? Saiki's been-"

Aiura stopped her sentence right there, glancing at the L/N and to Saiki back and forth in horror. "Um..."

Before Aren- The only person in this situation who didn't realize what was going on (besides Y/N)- could say anything, someone unexpected spoke up.

"Maybe you were just standing too back to hear me."

Aiura stared at him, mouth agape as Saiki had spoken with his mouth, while the purple-haired boy seemed... unsure. It certainly did feel like the first time he's ever heard the psychic speak, but weren't they just arguing not even a minute ago?

"Good grief. Fine, I'll room with-"

Y/N looked indifferent as she spoke up. "If you want to room with me, that's fine. Aren, I'm fine with it so don't worry."

She then looked towards Aiura. "Are you okay rooming with him?"

The opposing placed her hands on her hips. "Fine with me, I suppose!"

"Great!" Y/N announced. "Some of our luggage is still outside. Let's just sort that out and head to bed- We have to wake up early for the presentation thingy early in the morning."

A refreshing splash of cold water hit Y/N's face, followed by the coldness of the air. After finishing all the other morning tasks, she fell back to her bed. For some reason, she wasn't tired at all...

Glancing at the clock, she realized it was around 6 am. She still had an hour to waste and none of her roommates were awake. Or, that's what she thinks...

Saiki shifted lightly, seemingly wide awake. "Good grief..."

He sat up, first things first making sure his glasses were still on, and that his hair-clips were still attached. Y/N noticed he'd awoken right away.

"Oh... Goodmorning, Saiki."

The strawberry gave a light nod, showing he'd acknowledged the greeting and stood up for the bathroom. L/N sighed, continuing to lay upon her bed and staring at the ceiling, bored.

10 minutes later Kusuo came back out. It was another awkward silence, but uncomfortable this time. Y/N decided to break it.

"So, umm. What's the deal with your hair clips, if you don't mind me asking?" she questioned Saiki.

"... It's personal," he responded. His voice was raspier than even last night, showing how unused to talking out loud he was.

"I see."


"Aiura told me she was a psychic, and you two seem close. Are you a psychic, too?"


Kusuo almost had it with the questions and decided to turn it back on her. "Why were you absent?"

"What do you mean?"

"You weren't at school for a year."

"It was a family issue. My mother had something happen and because of that, I kept transferring back and forth. I ended up having school online for a bit instead and finally ended up at P.K. Academy two weeks ago, and started coming last week."

Saiki nodded, understanding not to ask much more about the family issues as your expression changed while speaking of it. He wasn't insensitive, after all.

𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝗠𝘆 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 - Saiki K.Where stories live. Discover now