Chapter 10

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He raised his head looking up at the ceiling as he spoke in tongues, closing his eyes in concentration. It was an entrancing scene to watch and seventeen year old Viola stared at the man before her with wide eyes and waited feeling nervous about what he was going to do next.

They sat in silence and she tried controlling her breathing, making sure not to disturb him in any way. He was speaking to the Holy Spirit and that alone was a testimony for her that this man was the chosen one, sent by the Lord to deliver and lead people like her, who hunger for nothing but the Grace and presence of God.

At the age of fourteen when she was in the ninth grade, her aunt Nolene who had found salvation along with her husband invited her to a church gathering that was to be held at their home. She had told her that he was going to be there, the man who had spoken to her in many ways and pointed out all the darkness in her soul. He spoke of her, she said, yet standing and preaching to a large group of people. He spoke of all the sins she had kept hidden away, and spoke of her heart as if it were an open book.

"He stood up and when he opened his mouth, I knew the Lord was there. I had never met him, yet his words seemed directed to me, revealing what no person knows, and it is then as I watched him preach, that I knew I was a sinner and he was there to help me. He then spoke of repentance and I wanted to stand up, shout, and tell him that I wanted to repent, now, at that moment. It was like a fire was sparked in me and I desperately wanted to let go of the load I was carrying, and I could not wait. I then spoke to him after the service and it is then that I repented, though confession. I sat there and spoke of everything, words tumbling out of my mouth uncontrollably, I wanted to get rid of the dirt that was my sins. After speaking for hours, he talked to me gently and I have never known such peace, peace caused by the act of confessing. The world became a new place, and I too, was a new person. Ever since that day, things changed and the Lord still walks with me."

Her aunt would speak those words repeatedly time after time with a look filled with joy and astonishment. The fire in her words never faltered, even when she kicked out her first daughter for getting pregnant, and years later kicked out her second daughter. Her words remained the same. The man was like no other.

Viola attended despite not wanting to. It was to get Aunt Nolene out of her hair. She entered the service with no interest and left a different person.

She too sang the song of many, the man, he was the chosen one. He was the answer to her pleas to God of finding the person who would lead her towards the right path.

She went back to school and the group of friends she had fell one by one. She was different they said, more boring. But she only spoke of the man she had seen and heard, telling them that he had saved her from herself and the world, and they too needed salvation.

He was there in all her times of need, guiding her each and every step. He was the father she and her sisters never had. He was the reason she kept strong even before her mother and sisters refused to follow her path, the path of the righteous and she was left alone to leave a life they did not believe in. She prayed each and every day, asking God to open their eyes just like he had opened hers.

When she completed school, she left for Ballington and stayed there helping around the house until she became part of their family. She made close relationships with Kayla, Faith and Zelda. They became sisters and were forces to be reckoned with when it came to the word of God. Always speaking of their commitment and love for their Lord and Savior, and always grateful to the man who preached to them.

"I have a message Viola, from the Lord." He looked at her with eyes that seemed to be deep in thought.

"I have to help you. And you need me too."

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