Chapter 31- Threats & Bets

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I looked up at Braedon from my seat and the only thing I could feel was disbelief

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I looked up at Braedon from my seat and the only thing I could feel was disbelief. Disbelief that my own brother would use me to help a man like Lachlan get what he wants.

"You're fucking kidding me." I said to him, but he just looked back at me blankly, "Braedon?" he didn't say anything.

I know I was never actually close to Braedon but I refused to believe that he would do something this low to his own little sister. My mind couldn't process it.

I stood up from my chair and wasn't even able to make it one step forward until Nolan shoved me back down into my seat.

Tristan was in his face so fast that I wasn't even able to process it until he spoke.

"Put your fucking hands on her one more time and see what happens."

"Sorry man, that's not the fight the fans wanna see." Nolan replied smugly.

"Meet me in the ring, I'll make it the fight they wanna see."

"Tristan." I said softly and I didn't even think I said it loud enough for him to hear but he looked down at me.

"Lachlan, we don't need her to make a deal." He said while still looking at me. He finally shifted his gaze over to Lachlan, "If you need me to keep fighting, I'll fight."

And those words alone created a heavy pit in my stomach. He was supposed to be done with this business and he almost was. Now I was the reason he wouldn't stop. I was the thing in his way of being free of this. If I hadn't pushed myself to stay in his life, they wouldn't have known to use me against him.

Don't think like that Ada, the only person here to blame is Lachlan. Not you.

Lachlan leaned back into his chair and studied me for a moment, "maybe we don't, but I'd like to keep her anyway." He looked back at Tristan and continued, "at least until tomorrow night. That's when I've scheduled your fight with Braedon."

"Tomorrow's Tuesday, nobody's going to be here on a Tuesday."

"That's where you're wrong Tristan. I've been spreading word of the fight and the crowds are expected to be as big as a Saturday night. I told you, a lot of people have been anticipating this. A lot of people will be betting on this fight."

"Okay whatever, I'll be here, she won't. Let her go home Lachlan."

"I don't think so."

It was almost as if I could feel the heat from Tristan's glare. I looked over at Braedon again and he looked as passive as ever. He hasn't said a word since we got here.

"I'm not leaving her here."

"Why by all means, stay then." Lachlan said, and even though I knew that wasn't what Tristan meant, the tightness in my chest loosened ever so slightly.


We were moved to a room that had a single bed pushed up into the corner of the room. There was a small sink on the opposite wall with a shabby looking mirror hanging over it. It wasn't four star, but I didn't exactly have much of a choice.

Tristan had left the room to grab an extra blanket from some medical closet and told me he would be back fast. Braedon stepped into the room shortly after he left.

"Thought you'd need a toothbrush." He said and held out two of them.

Oh how thoughtful, he even considered Tristan as well. I thought sarcastically.

I took them from him without saying a word, believing my cold stare was communication enough.

"I told you Adelaide, it's just for show."

Did he think that would make me feel better? Did he think he could trust Lachlan not to hurt me if Tristan had decided not to care? Did he even care?

"You're fucking delusional."

And he didn't have a chance to say anything back because Tristan came into the room then. He threw the blanket on the bed and watched in a hard glare as Braedon walked past him.

When he left the room and it was just the two of us, I let out a breath that I felt like I was holding since I got here and threw myself into Tristan's arms.

He wrapped his arms around me in return, "I'm sorry Adelaide. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. It's my fault you're here."

"Don't blame yourself Tristan. If it's your fault I'm here, then I'm just as equal to blame. You were almost done and now you can't be done because of me."

He pulled back just to look at me with a furrow in his brows, "I don't think that at all Ada."

"Exactly, so don't you dare blame yourself for this. It's Lachlan's fault, not yours."

"I'm still sorry." He said tightly.

"I know, I am too." I replied and then he kissed me softly on my forehead.

We finished brushing our teeth later that night and I threw some water in my face for a small refresher.

"The beds a little small, huh?" I told Tristan when I was finished.

"We'll make it work."

"Of course we'll make it work." I climbed under the covers and scooted all the way to the edge, then I patted the empty space next to me that I made for him.

I think he almost smiled but decided against it, considering the situation we were in. He did take up the space I made for him though.

He opened his arm and waited. And then I realized he was waiting for me, so I fit myself into his side and leaned my head on his chest. It was relaxing to feel the up and down motion of his chest as he breathed.

"I'm glad you're with me." I told him as I drifted.

"I wasn't going to leave you here." He replied sleepily and I think we both fell asleep at the same time.

" He replied sleepily and I think we both fell asleep at the same time

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