t w e n t y

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She walked into the jazz club, which had become more like a second home to her, one that she had missed dearly. Her eyes drifted to the stage, where the band played some uplifting swing music, but they were missing a certain member.

A warm hand suddenly found hers, and she glanced behind her. A smile grew onto her face at the sight of him, sporting a dashing suit that complemented his brown skin beautifully.

His family trailed behind him, and they looked around the jazz club in awe. "This is where you work, Dion? I can't believe you didn't invite us here earlier!"

"I didn't want to trouble you, Ma. Why should you drive two hours to get here when I can play for you in your living room whenever you want?" he said, and his little brother smirked.

"No, he just wanted some alone time with his girl."

Dion's eyes flickered over to her, who smiled in amusement at the teenage boy, before clearing his throat sheepishly. "Let's just find a seat."

They all sat at a table together and ordered dinner. The musician and writer sipped their piña coladas as the family began to talk amongst themselves.

She looked over at him, suddenly feeling shy. "So, superstar. How do you feel now that you're 25,000 dollars richer and the newest addition to the concert hall?"

  "I mean, I feel pretty good," he shrugged as he met her eyes. "I didn't go up on that stage because of that. If I did, my heart wouldn't be in it like it was tonight."

  "Yeah, those lyrics were..." she trailed off, averting her gaze from him, and focusing on her drink. He watched as she twirled the straw in the glass, stirring the cold liquid.

  He wordlessly turned to his mother, who eyed the look on his face before nodding in understanding. She pulled her husband and son away from the table, and they left the young couple alone.

  He looked back at the beautiful-minded woman beside him, and he gently placed his hand on top of hers. She paused from stirring, hesitant to raise her head.

  "Eden," he whispered, sending chills down her spine, as he turned her hand and tangled their fingers together. "That song was more than just words and notes. So much more. It was everything I feel for you, and how much you mean to me. I mean, it's the first song I've ever written in my life, and you know how much I struggled with making my own music."

  "But this song, Eden, came to me like magic. And when I sang on that stage in front of all of those people, you were the only thing on my mind. Your smile. Your eyes. Your words," he said before letting out a sharp breath, chuckling. "God, there's so much about you that's beautiful. I could write a million and more songs about you, and to be honest, I probably will."

  Her lips lifted into a small smile, and he slowly turned her face towards him. She gazed into his dark eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity in them, and she wanted to melt right there.

  Her heart tightened at the realization that he was looking at her in the same way she had seen a man look at his wife outside the jazz club, on the day she had first heard him play.

He breathed in deeply, glancing over at his mother, who gave him an encouraging thumbs-up. "What I'm trying to say, Eden—Rose—is that I..."

"I..." he gulped, feeling his heart pound, before he abruptly blurted out: "Is that I love you. I love you. I love you more than my favorite instrument, my favorite song, and everything else. I would rather have you than sing or play ever again because I just love you too much. That song I wrote for you, regardless that it made me win the competition, doesn't even begin to describe how much I—"

His eyes widened as she suddenly leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. She lingered there for a second, before slowly pulling back. Centimeters away from one another, their eyes dove into each other's souls, and everything was exposed in that moment.

A smile blossomed onto his face, and his hands cupped her cheeks. He pulled her in for another kiss, one that was much slower and sweeter. When they opened their eyes, she left another quick peck on his lips, and he kissed her nose, making her smile.

"I love you just as much, Blue. I could write a million and more stories about you, and it wouldn't begin to describe how much I love you either," she told him, and he grinned, leaving another gentle kiss on her forehead. She then looked down at their intertwined hands, sighing, as her voice softened. "I don't want anything to tear us apart, Dion."

Understanding what she meant, he scooted his chair closer to her and pulled her into a hug. With her head under his chin and his arms around her, they both closed their eyes.

"Nothing or no one will ever do that, Eden. I promise you," he whispered. "We're going to change the world for the better. Together."

She smiled, a happy teardrop trailing down her cheek, because he was right. He was her Eden, and they would not only grow together, but they would help others grow too.

  Because the world was their garden, and they would plant every seed with nothing but love. Their love.

A/N: hi, loyal readers. you've come all this way, and i'm both sad and proud to say that the next chapter will be the last.

thank you all for sticking with me till the very end! stay safe. see you in the epilogue.

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