Chapter 11

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That night Sapphira didn't give the entire incident another thought, instead opting to pretend it didn't happen, just for a night. So after her bath, she washed her hair and read one of her favourite books before bed as Percy lay on her lap. 

In fact, she didn't think about it until the very next morning. As she was making her breakfast a few realizations hit her...

First of all, she couldn't run from this... I mean she knew about soulmates, not everything, but enough to know that this was real and that the Alpha was her so-called soul mate. A fact that thoroughly freaked her out and she couldn't get over...

This brings us to the second realization, witches don't have soulmates. It's just unheard of. Other creatures do have similar things, though they call it different, witches don't. Most witches don't even have a lasting relationship, often dying alone. To humans it may seem like a sad existence, for witches, it's simply the norm. I mean don't get me wrong, some witches live happily with a partner, it's just not many. So why would a rather longsome creature be pared with such a pack creature like a wolf?

So the third realization is that not only the Alpha will be after her, but also the entire pack. Which meant that she had about a village worth of people looking for her. 

'Great', she thought as she placed her face in her hands, 'How am I going to deal with this?' 

Her original plan for that day had been to be at the store all day. But now she knew that that would be the first place they'd look for her. And unlike her house, she hadn't protected it with spells. 

That thought however brought with it another one, would there be wolves out there, waiting for her. She turned her head towards the window, but from there she couldn't see one. 

"Percy?" She said softly, causing the cat to look up at her, "Can you check for wolves for me?"

The cat offered what she knew to be a nod as he got onto his feet. He jumped up on the kitchen counter as Sapphira grabbed her wand. With a small flick, a green hue appeared in the cat's eyes.

"Go be my eyes," Sapphira said as she opened her window and with that Percy jumped out and ran off into the surrounding woods. She watched the cat leave for a second before sitting down at her kitchen table.

Closing her eyes a whole new world opened for her as she now shared it with Percy. Suddenly she saw everything from a completely different angle as she followed the feline's movements. The creature quickly darted through the foliage as he searched for wolves. 

After a while, it seemed as though the area was clear, and Percy was about to return home when something moved in the corner of his vision. Immediately the cat turned its head towards the source, quickly spotting a large black wolf staring directly at it. 

Sapphira clasped a hand on her mouth as she stared deeply into the yellow eyes of the wolf. Startled as nearly jumped up, watching as the wolf got closer to Percy. 

In response, Percy started baking up slowly, scared by the wolf. 

Suddenly the wolf jumped towards Percy, causing the cat to hightail it out of there. A flurry of green appeared before Sapphira's eyes as the cat sprinted towards the cabin. As soon as her kitchen came into view Sapphira's eyes shot upon as she rushed to open the kitchen window. 

The second it opened the small black creature jumped through it, landing on the floor with a thud. Percy's back was raised as his fur stood on its ends and his eyes were wide open. Quickly Sapphira closed it as she noticed the wolf approaching it. 

The wolf stopped right where the spell that protected the cottage ended, right before he would not be able to get further. There it sat down and simply stared at Sapphira, watching her, and she just knew that it was him...

Luke stared at his mate standing behind her kitchen window. His mate, who was so close yet so far. It tore him up knowing that he'd found her, but she had run away. Why did this happen? Why didn't she just stay with him?

When he'd encountered the cat he just knew it was somehow connected to her, as it was scouting the area. For a fleeting moment, he'd even entertained the thought that it was her.  But when it looked the cat in its eyes, he'd known that it wasn't, but it was hers. 

As Luke chased the creature he had no intention of hurting it, only of seeing who he'd react. When the cat started running like the wind he knew it would lead him straight to her. So he'd given chase, right until he knew he could go no further. 

So now he sat, staring at his mate through the window, pleading her with his eyes to return to him. Why couldn't she just abide by the pack law?

Sapphira couldn't bear the eye contact anymore as she broke it, looking down at her still very much spooked cat. 

"O Percy, I'm so sorry." She said picking him up and holding him close. 

The cat meowed softly in response, purring as she pets him. He knew he was safe now, safe in the arms of his owner. For a moment the creature closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of his safety. When he opened them once more he stared directly at the wolf, no longer fearing those yellow eyes. 

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