chapter 7

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I awake the next morning to the sunlight beaming in on my face through the sheer black curtains hung over the windows.

My head is pounding as I sit up and glance around. It doesn't take me long to realize I'm alone. Sky must have woken up early and headed out for the day.

Her bed is made up nice and neat like it was the first time I saw it. Each blanket is folded perfectly and placed back in its own spot. The  smell of weed still lingers in the air.

It's Saturday, which means I only have two days to get used to being away from home before classes start.

My stomach lets out a low, harsh grumble. I guess that's my sign. It's time for me to eat.
I haven't eaten anything besides a bag of chips on the way here yesterday. 

That already seems like almost an eternity ago, even though it was just the day before.

I have realized now that I have always taken things for granite. Like my mom cooking for me. Im so used to her having meals prepared for us three times a day.

This is going to be a nightmare. I've never had to fend for myself before.

After a few moments of trying to wake up, I managed to climb out of bed. I start looking for some clothes to throw on.

I know this place has at least a cafe and hopefully a few  other food places nearby.

Im trying to rack my brain about what places we saw when we first arrived. But I'm failing miserably since I was still half asleep. I know there were a bunch of little shops over by where we parked, I just don't remember any of their names.

But I know some of them have to serve food, even if it's just gas station junk food. I'm so hungry that anything sounds good right about now.

I throw on a pair of black sweat pants  and a large Bearcats hoodie before heading out.

Fall is my favorite time of the year.
I love seeing the leaves change colors. The way they slowly fall to the ground. Sometimes even getting caught in the wind. Being carried away for miles before finally landing.

It always reminds me of the older movies. Especially the romantic ones where they are sitting in the park on a bench. 
The leaves whirling around in the wind while they kiss.
If only life was as simple and romantic as the movies.

There's not a lot of people out today.
They must still be sleeping or simply recuperating from last night.

I check my phone after realizing I don't even know what time it is. I see it's only 10 am. No wonder no one is around.

I walk a little farther down the street until a small cafe catches my eye.
The name beside the door reads "Meisters" in big bold black letters.

The bell above the doorway dings as I push it open. I'm instantly greeted with a rush of warm air.

It's a small little shop, but the smell inside is heavenly.
A mixture of fresh baked bread and various sweets. I could inhale its aromas all day long.

The floors are of an older red wood with lots of scratches and dings carved into them. The wallpaper, which is a pale yellow in color, is also older. The color sun baked and faded in certain spots. 

It's dimly lit by small metal lanterns hanging all around. They're strung on what appears to be fishing line.

"Welcome to Meisters. Pick a seat, and i'll be with you shortly, sweetie. " A short  haired  woman acknowledges me as she pops up from behind the counter.

Inching my way in, I choose to sit at a small round table in the back.

No one else is in here besides a boy seated in the opposite corner. He has his back  towards me with
his hood up.

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