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"So...did you get Chase's gift yet? Running out of time..." Faye teases, knowing that Chase can hear her from the meager distance between our chairs and the pool.

"My gift? You got me a gift?" Chase perks up, resting his forearms on the edge of the pool which causes the muscles in his shoulders and neck to flex deliciously.

"For the birthday you didn't tell me about? Why would I?" I lie, leaning back in the chair and closing my eyes. The sun beats down on my skin while Faye sits completely hidden beneath an umbrella that I am positive Reece purchased solely for her use.

"Are you lying?" Chase's voice appears directly above me as droplets of water fall from his skin onto mine. His large form eclipses the sun and I open my eyes, look up at him, and bite my lips together.

"Yeah," I mumble. Chase sits down beside me and I squirm, pretending to be bothered by his soaked skin as he pushes me aside to make room on the small chair. He is forced to rest one foot on the ground to keep from falling off.

"Are you going to tell me what it is?" He questions, his eyes closed and facing the sky, giving me free rein to look at him without him knowing.

"Nope. You'll find out on your day."

"My day. I like the sound of that. Will you surprise me?" His voice lowering as he asks the second question and it causes my warm skin to heat from the inside.

"I don't know how it can be a surprise now that you know I'm giving you something."

"Mhmm." One of his arms raises up to rest behind his head, stretching his abdomen further and causing the muscles of his chest to ripple. I gulp. The fact that no one in the backyard bats an eye at our position makes me feel uncomfortable. Do people that don't know us think we're dating?

"Do you guys notice anything different about me?" I hear Reece's voice coming from the direction of the back door to the house. I turn, almost in a spooning position with Chase which is a thought I force myself to look past. My thoughts are immediately interrupted at the sight of him.

My mouth drops open. "Reece, you're not superman. If you take your glasses off, we will still recognize you." Faye says, bored, with her eyes still closed. I watch for her reaction as she looks up at him and does a double-take. "Did you cut your fucking hair off?" She screeches, immediately standing up and reaching to feel his buzzed hair. My eyes are wide and I'm sure that everyone within a five-mile radius is now aware of Reece's haircut.

"You don't like it?" He deflates and Faye doesn't let go of his head, forcing him down to her level. She shakes her head.

"No, it's fine." She sighs. "I just loved your hair. I need to get used to it." She says quietly.

"It'll grow back," Reece reassures her and she smiles.

My eyes flicker back to Reece's lack of hair multiple times throughout the rest of the day and he notices. "What? Do you want to pet me too?" He asks with a roll of his forest-green eyes and I laugh.

"I'll live." I laugh. "It's just different. I like it, but why now?" I ask, curious.

"I just wanted to try it. I've never done it before." He shrugs. "Better to do it now than when it gets colder. It'll fully grow back soon enough."

"I can't believe it's almost October," I say aloud, thinking about the time that has passed by so quickly since the school year started. I hadn't even known any of these people two months ago and now I couldn't imagine my day-to-day life without them.

"I can't believe you and Chase are still only friends." He raises an eyebrow at me and my mouth drops in surprise.

"Says you." I recover quickly, referring to his relationship with my best friend. He bites his lips and holds his hands up in surrender.

"Touché." He says but just as he does, Chase sidles up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. Reece has to stifle his laughter.

"What are we talking about?" Chase questions and I stay quiet, glaring at Reece to do the same. "Your birthday. Nineteen. Finally legal drinking age. In Canada." Reece stumbles over his words and I stop myself from sighing in exasperation.

"Don't bother asking again. I won't tell you what it is." I say before Chase can even open his mouth, leading him away from Reece so that he won't have the opportunity to lie badly again.

"Angel, you have no idea how good at waiting I am." The muscles in my stomach tighten as soon as the words are processed in my brain. I force myself not to look at him and possibly give more meaning to his words than is healthy.




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