Eyes meet👁️setting world on fire 🔥🎆

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Ahana's POV:

(Making a floral rangoli for the evening wedding)

Today is Kisha's wedding. We are so happy that finally Kisha is getting married to Ronit Bhai...

Rony Bhai and Kisha have been in a relationship for years and it feels so good to see relationships end up in beautiful marriages...

I wanted to attend the function yesterday itself, but my profession is pretty complicated. I am a software engineer. Currently working in Bangalore and as Everyone knows engineers that too working in Bangalore never get leaves.

I am a team lead for my company's web development team. I have been craving leaves for last 8 months inspite of continuous requests my leaves were never granted and I was fed up. So finally I decided to move on.

Also I was tired of handling same kind of work so this time I chose an interesting opportunity. Luckily I was offered a good sum too so I finally chose it. Although mom dad wanted me to take up the Mysore offer as Mysore is home. But I didn't take it up. Come on this company looked much more flexible and they are one of biggest firms in India.

And now Ishu has also shifted back from Mumbai to Bangalore. I and Ishu will together look for a house in Bangalore. Although she is still to choose amongst her opportunities I hope she chooses the one which makes sure we work in same building. I was super excited 😍

Finally after 6 years Ishu and I will be together although now mom dad have started a new drama called my marriage 🤦

I know I know...I'm 26. It's the 'perfect' age according to 'society standards' or I don't know if I have passed the eligible age 🤔🙄 Although I'm least bothered.

My mad family gets a sample piece everytime for me😂😂😂

I still remember most of them...

That guy who was asking me to dance 😂

Or that guy who was insecure that I earn more than him😋

Or oh ya... That one who believed I must use fairness creams to glow🤦

Like I have met all kinds of sample pieces ☺️


I have absolutely no regrets on my decision.

But my mad family got me a new one...

Looks like this is a 'Richhhh family' 🤦

My family I tell you they've got me all kinds of zoo animals 😅

This time it's an imported one. Looks like the guy is a Harvard Graduate and now looking after family business.

Well that's all I know about him I will probably meet him tomorrow. I so wish my family ever understood I am not waiting for any rich bigshot or Prince charming. I am looking for someone who could simply understand my unsaid emotions ❤️

But I haven't met anyone like that yet!!!

Hmmm.... If I have to say in Ishaani's Language...

I'm looking for my 'Gabru Munda' 😂😂😂

Oh..by the way where is this Ishaani ...

I haven't seen her since last 2 hours.

Let me dial her...

(Exactly that time her phone started ringing.... Wooow... telepathy 😋

It read

Ishu Calling...)

A: 'Where are you???'

I: 'Di.... Sorry I'm not getting it right... Still practicing!!!'

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