Chapter 16

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"No, the chocolate fountain goes on the dessert buffet!" Katy yells at Jackson.

"Okay, you don't have to yell!" Jackson fights back.

"You guys stop, this will get done faster if we get along!" I cut in trying to break up there shouting charade.

Tomorrow is my Luna introduction dinner party and Katy, Jackson, Michael, Nicole, my Tyler, and I are finishing up the last decorations and food issues. Everything is very formal, Alphas, Luna's, and Betas from neighboring pack are attending. Along with our packs higher ranking members like; the head warrior, Doctor Kent, obviously Katy. I asked if Frank could come too and he is. I can't wait to wear my new dress, it's been hanging up in my- Tyler and I's closet for three days. Having to look at it and not be able to wear it kills me.

"Ow!" I whimper, stupid egg cells are driving me insane!

"You okay?" Tyler asks me while carrying in a big box from outside.

"Ya, I'm just going to take a pain killer." I couldn't rip my eyes away from his bulging arm muscles.

I hurry into the kitchen and grab my pills off the counter, I always have them handy. I pop two in my mouth and grab a water bottle from the fridge, I drink the refreshing liquid and let out an *ahh*. I'm starting to think that the pain will never go away.

"Hey, are you okay?" Tyler joins me in the kitchen, my heart can't help but flutter at how much he cares.

"Ya, Ya I'm fine." I place the water bottle on the counter island and take a deep breath. "The pain is a little more intense right now."

Tyler comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my midsection. He moves my dark brown locks from my neck and gently kisses my beautiful mark causing a shiver of pleasure to run down my spine. I giggle as we slowly sway and Tyler keeps kissing my neck.


My eyes immediately turn to the doorway to see Katy standing with wide eyes. Oh no.

"HE MARKED YOU!" She screams again.

This is why I didn't want to tell her yet, this is why.

"How could you not tell me?! When did he mark you?!" Katy fan-girls.

"Last week," I admitted sheepishly.

"How come you didn't tell me?" Katy grumbles.

I feel bad now, I mean she is Tyler's sister and my best friend. My face falls as I pull away from Tyler and walk towards Katy. "I'm so sorry, you deserved to know." I pull her into a tight hug.

"That is not what I expected." Katy mouths to Tyler while pointing at my back.

"What's going on here?" Nicole pops her head into the kitchen.

"A girl moment," Tyler mutters and shakes his head while going back to help.

"Oh yay!" Nicole joins in our hug, well tries.

"Nicole our huge! When's the due date?"

"Like next week sometime." She answers like it's no big deal.

"Should you even be coming to the party?!" Katy freaks. "What if-"

"Katy it's fine it's not until next week," Nicole assures her.

"Okay just be careful."

We all go back and help the guys finish up with the setup. May I say it looks very nice, very classy. I can't wait for my party, I feel like things are finally coming together.

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