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"Come on Paul!"

Eliza wanted to go with the pack to see Jacob. They had heard about how he acted when he was out with Bella and it turns out he's begun his transition.

"Are we sure we should even be going now?" Paul asked with his mouth full.

"If he's begun his transition then we need to be there to explain it to him." Embry said from Eliza's side. Even though Embry couldn't be around his friend because of him being a werewolf, he still missed Jacob. They were best friends since they were kids. 

"Billy called and asked us to come over and explain it all to him. So as a pack we're going." Sam spoke up. The pack of four boys and Eliza all stood up and begun walking out of the house. Sam quickly kissed Emily and once he was outside he shifted. 

"Race ya." Eliza smirked at the wolves and took off running in the direction of the Black household.

That's not fair. She heard Jared's voice in her head.

Head start or not, I'm winning. Paul growled before picking up the pace.

Eliza laughed as the four wolves all caught up with her and they raced to find Jacob. 

When they arrived the men shifted back into their human forms and got dressed behind a tree while Eliza waited for them. Together the pack of five all started to walk up through the backyard of Billy Black's home. 

Suddenly Jacob Black came stomping out of the home towards the group. 

"What did you do to me?!" He screamed at them all. Eliza could sense the threat in his voice and immediately took a protective stance ready to defend the pack if she needed to. 

Sam Uley stepped up while motioning for the other three men to stand down. Embry and Paul stood on either side of Eliza while Jared stood on the other side of Paul.

"We didn't do anything to you Jacob." Sam spoke to the boy.

"Then why have you all been watching me? Don't think I haven't noticed it at all. I'm not stupid Uley." Jacob growled.

"Jacob, maybe you should calm down." Embry spoke to his friend taking a step in front of Eliza.

"Don't you tell me what I should do. You left! You joined the group we despised. You abandoned Quil and I to join Uley and his pack of thugs." Jacob was now shaking uncontrollably.

"Jacob. Calm down." Sam spoke using his Alpha voice. Though he stopped shaking so much, Jacob was still angry and shaking. Eliza grabbed onto Embry's arm and held it to keep him from walking even more closer to him. Eliza knew Embry could defend himself but she wasn't about to let him get hurt.

"I am not your follower!" Jacob growled. Now he was shaking uncontrollably. 

How are we supposed to get him to shift? Jared mentally thought to his alpha. 

He needs to get mad. Sam spoke back in his head.

That's not going to end well. Paul rolled his eyes.

"I got it." Eliza spoke up and pushed passed Embry. "Hey Jacob!" The long haired boy turned to look at the blonde girl. "Bella will never love you like she did Edward." Eliza smirked to top it off. 

That set him off. Jacob's vision blurred and he ran at the girl who's eyes widened and she ran back at him to make sure no one else got hurt. He jumped up and shifted into a beautiful brunette wolf but Eliza grabbed onto his torso and tackled him. Jacob slid out of her grip and growled at her before trying to run at the girl. Eliza stood up to defend herself but she felt the air shift and soon enough Jacob was the one on the ground with Embry on top of him. 

She's a Cullen! Jacob screamed at his friend. Why are you stopping me?! 

She's not like them! Embry defended her before dodging a bite from Jacob.

"Both of you stop it!" Sam yelled in his alpha voice. Both boys stopped fighting and Embry made his way back to his pack while Jacob stood in his place. Eliza appeared next to him and followed him into the woods with a spare change of clothes. Embry shifted and changed and met back with Eliza at the treeline.

"Really Em? Why did you get in the way like that?" She asked as she pulled him into a hug.

"I couldn't let you get hurt." He replied as he wrapped his arms around her. She huffed in response and let go. 

"Do that again Em, and I'll be the one hurting you." She threatened. Embry just laughed and nodded in response. The two made their way back to the pack where Jacob was already dressed and calmed down.

"Sorry Embry." The boy apologized. Jacob glanced towards Eliza and she just nodded her head in understanding. Of course he wasn't going to like her automatically. It would definitely take some time for him to get used to her.

"Its all good." Embry let go of Eliza and went to hug his friend. It was easy to see that the two missed each other.

"Why don't we talk about everything at Emily's?" Sam suggested.

"Yeah! I'm starving!" Eliza spoke up. 

"You're always hungry Liza." Paul chuckled.

"And you're always ugly but I never say anything." Eliza stuck her tongue out at the boy and immediately he ran towards her and she ran off.

"Meet you guys at Emily's!" Eliza shouted back to the rest of the pack while laughing.

Jared, Sam and Embry started laughing together and Jacob followed them to Emily's house hoping to get some answer's out of them.

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