Chapter 1

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Kiera Knight was a lot of things but good wasn't one of them, I mean she was good at her job but not really qualified as the type of person that you want to have as an officer of the law, so, when she was caught for killing some loser with a capit...

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Kiera Knight was a lot of things but good wasn't one of them, I mean she was good at her job but not really qualified as the type of person that you want to have as an officer of the law, so, when she was caught for killing some loser with a capital L, she wasn't surprised, she knew that she would be out of there before Commissioner Gordon would be able to blink, except for one detail, Kiera was going to be evaluated for Insanity and of course at the worst moment the door clicks
"I'm Dr. Crane and I'll be evaluating you today Ms. Knight" Dr. Crane said before sitting down in front of her
"To check for insanity, I know" Kiera said sarcastically
"I'm going to be asking you a few questions" Dr. Crane said ignoring her comment
"Yeah, yeah, go on" Kiera said
"Why do you call yourself Wolf? With most criminals their names originate from something that means something to them, what about you, Mrs Knight" Dr. Crane asked
"Maybe, I like wolves. You don't know me at all, Dr. Crane and I don't feel that I should be informing you of my private thoughts" Kiera said
"Ms. Knight, you can cooperate with me or you can cooperate with the lawyer that was given to you, with me you won't rot in prison until death grants you freedom" Dr. Crane said growing frustrated with her antics
"Geez, I was just making the best of a bad situation" Kiera said
"Alright, Ms. Knight, why did you kill all of those people" Dr. Crane asked
"What if I told you that I am just evil" Kiera said
"No one is just evil, Ms. Knight and I intend to find out what you are" Dr. Crane said
"Dr. Crane, the truth is that we're all crooks in this city, I mean it's Gotham, you have two choices be powerful and corrupt or be on the streets and good, I may not be powerful or good but I'm sure as hell that I didn't kill anyone that's innocent" Kiera said
"Ms. Knight, I've come to the conclusion that you are criminally insane" Dr. Crane said
"As I said before Crane, we're all crooks that have dark secrets but I think that you have the darkest of secrets" Kiera said
"Well, Ms. Knight, everyone has their secrets it depends on who has the strength to hide their secrets and those who are too weak to hide them receive the consequences" Dr. Crane said before he got up to leave the room

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