9)Stupid Sh*t for Good Reasons

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If the sting of memories didn't hit me before, they sure as hell are now

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If the sting of memories didn't hit me before, they sure as hell are now. The pain of the past has snuck up behind me and dug its claws into my back while Jace cradles the blonde in his arms. It's the kind of aching torment that buries deep and brings you to your knees, showing you exactly who's boss.

I should've never come here.

All I can see are flashes in my head of a younger, less tattooed Jace standing in his doorway while tears flowed down my face. I begged him for an explanation, like a pathetic idiot, because he had dumped me by text.

Jace-I can't do this anymore. Sorry.

That was it, and I wanted answers, instead I got a glimpse of a brunette in her bra and panties walking through his living room while I acted like a lovesick fool. After that, there was no point in sticking around. He had clearly moved on, and in just a few hours too.

Well, that's what I thought anyway.

Now I'm not sure whether or not I should believe his story. I'd like to, but after all this time, that's hard to do.

Especially when he has this girl in his arms.

I try to ignore the little green-eyed monster in my head. I'm not usually the jealous type, but there's never been a reason for me to be. Can't be jealous when there's no one I wanna keep for myself.

And there still isn't, so stop torturing yourself, Lexi.

"Go inside, I'll meet you there," Jace tells the blonde as he pulls away and hands her his keys.

She heads into his apartment as he turns around, remembering I'm still here.

I expect to see guilt or at least an apologetic - you should call an uber - wince. But the smile he gives me is anything but apologetic or riddled with guilt.

"Sorry 'bout that." He shrugs. "Guess shit like this is unavoidable sometimes." 

I wouldn't know. I've never brought someone home to find another option at my door.

He shakes his head, a few dark strands of hair falling in his face. "But what can you do? Family, right?"

Yeah, what can you....wait, what?!

There's no hiding the confusion on my face. "Family?"

"Well, yeah." He grins. "That's my little cousin."

My green-eyed monster is splashed with cold water and then smacked with the bucket for good measure.

His cousin?

I knew he had two of them, but...I had never met them. Hell, I only just met Kade yesterday. I feel stupid. There's no other word for it.

"Oh...okay...cool." I nod, faking carelessness.

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